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in life •  2 months ago 

Someone once said age didn’t bother them as long as they were happy where they were in life. I would say that was a fair outlook at aging. For me, aging has been hard to accept, it doesn’t scare me, but it stresses me. It’s like racing the clock, you can’t beat it. I am sure you have heard the sayings time stands still for no one, time isn’t on your side, time isn’t your friend. That is how I feel about aging.

The benefits of age, watching the kids grow up, wisdom from the years gone by. Of course that makes hindsight 20/20. What I coulda done, shoulda done different.

You start living where you are. Live everyday with no regrets. Live it to the fullest possible. Travel, start a hobby, maybe a hobby farm. Look into educating yourself, it isn’t to late. There’s degrees, community colleges aren’t difficult to reach an associate’s degree, but also look into certificates. check it out here: https://proverbs-home-n-heart.blogspot.com/2024/12/educational-options-as-adults-do-you.html

Be an entrepreneur, start your own business, crafts, painting or something like baking. Find a way to support the community by offering something useful to the community. Visit the elderly, make gift baskets for new mothers or newly married, or for the sick. There are a lot of ideas you can find to live life without regret. Keep yourself busy! Alotta things I wished I had pursued and done differently.

Now, I have started my associate’s degree in IT to pursue some ideas I have. And I finally started a blog after many years of toying with the idea and never jumping in. I don’t have huge regrets, just some small ones that coulda made the transition into aging smoother.

Embracing every season of life is how I have looked at life, but I just let life happen I didn’t make intentional decisions for the future, outside of building a hope chest for the day I would get married. Not until I looked, and I saw my son was transitioning to a new season of his life, turning into a fine young man, but I see he needs his dad more and less of his mom. Let me be clear, he always needed his dad, and he will always need his mom. But the need for dad was different as his dad wasn’t the stay at home parent as I was, dad would change diapers and feed an tend him but he focused mostly on providing for his family he wasn’t apart of the everyday emotional needs and the many hugs an snuggles a little one needs when they are little, the nurturing that comes from a mom is just different then the care that comes from a dad. Now he needs dad’s time on mechanics and the talks of engines and equipment, hunting / fishing seasons and calibers and types of lures. And there is less need for snuggles with mom. That sets my mind reeling on, what’s next?

Spending time with my son is still a top priority but I need to make more intentional decisions towards the future, the next season of life that will be up on us sooner than we think, whatever your next season is. Don’t waste your time and don’t forget to live. Also, work to live don’t live to work.

What are some things you are pursuing in your life to live a purpose driven life? Drop me a line and let me know.

Have you made huge changes to life as you notice age is stealing on?

Do you have regrets like, not educating yourself sooner?

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