in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

The truth is, a joke has to be funny, a witch has to know her broom;some things just have their code. A laid down 'how'of some sort. But what's the code for child training? How do we define the line between discipline and tearing down them esteem of our little ones? in hope that you'll be generous enough with your time to finish this,you're probably going to ask" what does he even know about parenting? He's never even seen the pains of labor nor had to care for an overbearing teen!" You will be correct, but let me quickly add that I've been a child , i have near you and I've been around for a while.
Parenting is not a mere dance in the rain. It dwarfs the many troubles that comes with wooing a difficult girl. Parents go through a lot for their children, i see it everyday. The selling of beads, jewelry and lace to pay the hospital fees of Odion and Ovbkhan; the last minute borrowing that enable you get Udoka's Christmas and new year clothes so as to save his fragile esteem; the swell times you missed with the guys to come home early enough so Osazee could see you before he went to bed. Parents are a wonderful of course they are exceptions.
In my own opinion, you don't deserve a medal for caring for your child. Raising children is not 'OLIDARA', your child should not pay you back. No child begged to be born,no child!if you have the' pleasure' of producing children, its only normal that you summon the complementary decency to raise them joyfully, not grudgingly. Stop selling pressure to your children! stop burdening your young minds with the science og bread winning. Our streets are heavy laden with broken children trying to pay off the debt to their parents for raising them. What nonsense! Isoken is spreading her legs like rumor in every corner of Elegushi because you told her she was your only way out of the slum. Now you wonder why Chris allow them sell cocaine to him,he would have trekked a more honorable route to limelight if you hadn't made a chorus about how your neighbor's son Imatikau didn'tgirl child.jpg have two heads anytime he came second in his class .
That day, you bruised the frail ego of your son. A child with a damaged self, will grow into like adult. The heart of a child can be more easily reached by those they trust .
its quite unfortunate that you couldn't achieve your childhood dream of becoming a farmer, a pilot, novelist, lawyer,businessman,engineer, doctor, accountant, anything!
I'm sorry, but your children can't live your dream for you. They should not. Only you can do that, yes only you,only you. and that is it.

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What you just emphazied , about living your life your self is amazingly true . No one can live your life except you . Thank you .

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

could you please upvote my write up sir or is the write up not educating enough? one love