
in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Black. There...I said it. Am I racist?

In a recent, tongue-in-cheek post for #steemwars I made reference to the national rugby team of New Zealand in a positive light. It was accompanied by a meme which simulates television news headlines, into which I inserted some text. There is a link to that post at the end of this one. If you follow the link to the post you will also note I created several other meme's for the post as well.

In the subsequent comments I was asked a question: "Is "All Blacks" a team name or is racism still totally cool on national TV over there?"

The comment came from a non-Aussie so maybe it's understandable considering that the person may not be familiar with sporting teams from this neck of the woods...But...What disturbs me is that the mention of the word black is instantly associated with racism. When did that happen? Maybe the person assumed (incorrectly) that I, myself, am white...And therefore must be racist if I use the B word. Maybe the person completely missed the essence of the entire post. I'll never know. I would have thought a simple visit to Google would have enlightened the gentleman on who the All Blacks may be though.

What I do know is that the word black is no more racist than the word white, or yellow, or red, or delectably mocha...(That's me)

So, that's pretty much all I've got. Call me whatever you like. I've heard it all before, good, bad and indifferent.

Oh, here's a link to the All Blacks preparing for battle. This is the Haka, a ceremonial Maori war dance designed to intimidate the enemy. Used to good effect by the All Blacks. Oops, did I say black? Hey, aren't their jersey's black...Isn't that a white guy wearing black? Is that permitted?

The All Blacks bringing it!

Thanks for reading. Your intelligent comments are welcome whether you agree with me or not.

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good subject !!
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i will follow you

Ill tell you my own recipe - just ignore it. Racism figths on the internet are not even fun. I was worried about some of my African buddies using term "caucasian" to describe their oppressors, so i had to tell them that i am from Caucasian region, that mostly Slavic people lives there, and Slavs never even had any slaves (no matter how funny it sounds lol) or colonies.

Thanks for your comments @interceptor, much appreciated. Thanks also for reading in the first place. :)

Its mostly the Muricans with their fabricated and inflated political correctness. As a EU citizen the word "black" denotes a color characteristic, not a racially insensitive slur

Hey @blakadder, thanks for your comment and for reading my post.

Delectably mocha! XD I would use that for myself if I was delectable. But definitely stealing mocha because I like mocha.

I have occasionally wondered if associating colours with race is racist. Colours are just colours. I use them a lot, so there ;D

Hey @ryivhnn, I'm not delectable either, but am certainly mocha. You have my blessing to attach delectable to your mocha... :) I call it poetic license.

So, yeah I agree with you, colours are just colours mate. I knew someone who suffered quite badly with depression who used the term "black mood" to describe himself when at a low ebb. I can assure you he didn't mean "racist" mood. Thanks for your comment.

good post...there is nothing wrong with the all blacks,apart they beat the aussies most of the time....mmhh..

Haha, yes. you're bloody right about that! :)

dont like to say it...but thats just the hard cold reality facts....