Judgemental: The wrong way to be

in life •  7 years ago 

Judging other people is something most human beings do; Their judgement may be right or wrong, even a little of each, however it's something people feel they have the right to do. Most people's judgement is based on nothing though, no fact, no understanding; Just an impression gained through what they see mostly.

Today I was at the range with my wife and a couple of mates and there were some other club members there doing their own thing; Their curiosity brought them over to our range eventually. I had never seen them before and I'm at the range a lot so I assume they are new. In between some shooting we were chatting about technique and I overheard the other group say something about my wife and how funny it would be to see the "blonde bimbo" shoot and some other derogatory comments. I was going to go over and say something to them as my wife had actually also heard the comments and didn't really like hearing herself spoken to like that however I refrained, at her request. Obviously I was pretty mad about the whole thing but what point is there to make a big deal and get into it with a few young assholes right? My wife didn't want us making a scene.

We simply continued doing what we were doing and ignored it. Now, my wife is a pretty good shooter. I have a rule: "If you live in my house you need to know how to operate, and make safe, all my guns". So, she knows how to do so and can shoot quite well. She knows how to shoot several different types of hand guns and revolvers, shot guns and my long guns (centrefire hunting and competition rifles). In fact she can accurately shoot my competition guns out past 780m. That's a long way. She has nothing to prove to random people though and so we just ignored it and she went on to blast out a few stages running and gunning like the experienced shooter she is.

I guess I'm a little annoyed about the behaviour of the three young lads who obviously didn't realise that on the range sound carries very well due to the large concrete dividing walls separating the ranges. However not everyone has the ability to reserve judgement until they know better, or indeed, have the manners to keep their mouths shut unless they have something nice to say.

Being judgemental, and judging people or things, prior to having a full understanding of the person or thing can lead to misunderstandings and of course missing out on something really great be it a relationship or an opportunity. It closes off the person being judgemental and removes the chance to gain greater understanding. I believe it is limiting. Sure, my wife is blonde, she's tall and dresses well...Does that make her a bimbo? She has also successfully run our business for over 25 years, has a vast amount of knowledge in her field and is a respected identity in her industry. Not a bimbo at all.

Pre-judging people or things is limiting and in my opinion ignorant. It is also the right of every person on the planet to do so and me having a little whinge about it here won't change it. I guess it's up to the individual to decide whether to pre-judge or not and to suffer, or benefit, from the consequences either way. I'm motivated to learn before judging and then making decisions based on fact, knowledge and understanding; It's seen me through in my business and personal life and is the way I suggest others proceed. Some will, some won't.

[- The best way to increase your self esteem is to increase someone else’s -]

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Nice post and so true...

Thanks @nicole2016, I appreciate your comment.

Nice post and so true...

Upvote because you and your wife go to the range together. Also, I would have made the judgement to ignore my wife and punch them in the throat...after they stowed their weapons of course.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

:) 100% upvote on your comment because you said this:

Also, I would have made the judgement to ignore my wife and punch them in the throat...

I wanted to, believe me.

I’m really lucky that my wife supports what I do and joins in. She’s a good girl. I’m a lucky bloke. :)

Thanks for your righteous comments bro! :)

It’s so hard to remain calm in such annoying situation!
Great photos of your wife! Shooting really suits her!
“If you live in my house you need to know how to operate, and make safe, all my guns"

Your cats???😲🤔

Bwahaha! How did you get that picture of one of my cats?!

Yes, it was annoying. In my twenties it would been on if you know what I mean...These days I've matured a bit and tend to just let these sort of things slip. Thanks for your comments as always. Great cat picture!

Well, I hope the new guys felt suitably stupid after XD


I think they did. She kicked ass behind the gun. Unfortunately for them the president and club captain were a part of my group. Words will be said as we do not promote, or tolerate, that sort of behaviour at the club. :)

Now I feel bad for upvoting the post before reading it.
...actually nah 😜

Haha :)

You did the best thing by ignoring them. It is true that a level of restraint comes with maturity.

I applaud your wife for her restraint, and for telling you to ignore what had been said.

The remark was insulting and sexist, and an example of what many women experience and learn to ignore.

Yes, agreed, it’s a shame this sort of thing happens. Still, it’s part of life and she’s heard similar in the past. She hates it but accepts that people can be assholes. A couple of times in the past I reacted to this sort of stuff but these days I’m a bit more mature and understand that these guys will either learn, or not, and either way it doesn’t affect me and my wife too much. My wife isn’t a bimbo, I know it and she knows it, that’s what matters.

Unfortunately being judgmental is a fact of life. The amount of information that floods our brains every second is enough to overload a super-computer many times over. Our brains compensate for this by not only being ultracomplex and highly compact, but simply by learning to make short cuts. We also dont need to learn everything first hand, we can aquire these short cuts from other humans.

We constantly pre-judge almost everything in our lives, this is how optical illusions and magic tricks work, our short cuts are challenged and all of a sudden we are confused because our model of the world has apparently been shown to be false.

Im in no way excusing what the young lads said about your wife, its insulting and you both had every right to feel offended, your restraint was exemplary. But the reality is we all do it in some capacity, every time you see a new person, hundreds of assumptions from your model of the universe kick in before you even realise it.

What we can do, and what the young lads are yet to learn, is that engaging our concious minds to challenge our pre-judgment allows us to expand our horizons.

In fact even in this post, Im pre-judging those young lads (people I never even met) as being inexperienced, its almost invisible to us, if we are not very careful.

They were young and I suspect after seeing how well your wife could handle herself they learnt a little something on making judgements. Younger people often are more likely to slip up like that, because they have less experience in life. Although, admittedly, some people never learn. I do hope someone else had words with them though. Perhaps one of your mates let them know how close they came to being knocked flat!

You are right, we all make judgements. We just learn to look past them before drawing final conclusions so as not to embarrass ourselves. ;)

Mid twenties. Younger than me, but old enough to know better.