Tulsi Gabbard

in life •  2 years ago 

I was just looking at a huge Twitter thread that is solely about something Tulsi Gabbard said about the Ukraine-Russia conflict which goes something like this:

Tulsi: "It’s never been about morality. It’s not about the people of Ukraine or protecting democracy. This is about regime change in Russia and exploiting this war to expand NATO.."

Ok, most of the Tweets were accusing Mrs. (or Miss?) Gabbard of being a Russian asset, and of course recriminations from Republicans saying all Democrats are traitors and Democrats saying Mrs. Gabbard is really a Republican but had to run as a Democrat in Hawaii to get elected. I don't know why I like reading these sorts of things, they just seem to bring out the worst people have in them. This is true for all conflicts that are basically one or the other, like Capitalists vs Communist, Brexit vs Remain, Ukraine vs Russia, Taiwan vs China etc. we have that here in Honduras too, only that, like in the US it is very conservative vs mildly conservative.

Now back to the what this Lady said, I frankly wouldn't doubt if this is true. You know I can remember the same sentiments flourishing in the US during 2003 before the Irak invasion, remember Freedom Fries. Remember all kinds of government people on TV saying Irak was full of Weapons of Mass Destruction? I remember. In those days here, where I live there was a massive presence of retired US Armed Forces personnel, mostly Air Force, mainly because things here were slow and cheap, they could live quite well on their military pensions (those times are over now, I believe things here are just as expensive as in most other third world countries).

Well one of these guys was a good friend of mine, he was an ex Air Force sergeant from Philadelphia. I used to have some good conversations and I remember he told me Irak definitely had WMD, that the US would go in, topple Saddam and one week later would be out of there, cheered by Iraquís. Also he told me the US would, after that, look on Latin America as their true friends, as France had shown their true colors. He got most of it wrong, but he truly believed it.

Now the Irak WMD are hardly talked about, and I mean their origins, surprisingly a shallow Google search will tell you who provided the chemical weapons Saddam used on the Kurds, actually a genocide. It was Western countries, so I guess Saddam did play a fast one on them and must have sent what was left over after using it on the Kurds somewhere, because the leaders of the Western alliance must have known there was some left over, I think they probably were surprised to see there was none, because there should have been.

So actually I wouldn't be surprised if what Gabbard says is true, I have no trust in governments. But in this war I see the same thing I saw in Irak, oil, perhaps this is what this war is all about. Maybe Putin was being cheap with oil companies, and remember most Iraqi oil is being exploited by huge Western companies and, get this, by huge Chinese companies. Deep down it is all the same thing. We plebs just have to live with it.


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