My last farewell to my Organization

in life •  7 years ago 


16 of March 2018 , I organized a assembly of all Mechanical Engineering Students in our school for our last event of this year .

It started early , 8 am in the morning . It was a very stressful day for March is the month of FINALS Exams and deadlines for projects but nevertheless we woke up and attended the event.


People slowly started to appear , and at exactly 9 am I started with my presentation


I presented my proposed “new system of officers” from the conventional and usual standard group of officers.


It went long and the audience where interactive and they asked questions about the new system.


After the discussion , the awarding of certificates for the outgoing officers held .


Also to add , I would like to acknowledge the pressence of @jumargachomiano , @melsmacan, @earllfortuna, @aikeann, @chervills, @bobburton, @josealmergepegs, @thonnavares, @mildredamit and @jasoncaspe.


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