Tales From The Circ Side

in life •  6 years ago 

Titillating Tech Support

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After a week off from the library, I found myself quickly swinging back into my routine. There was an entire shelf of books to mend, yet another shelf full to process for check out, and of course there were my favorite part of my job, the patrons.

That said, it was rather nice to settle back into my work repertoire. The usual characters showed up for me to interact with. There were the summer computer herd boys, a group of preteens and teens that monopolize the computers for a couple of hours, the only sound heard out of that crew is a bunch of mouth breathing as they gape at Youtube videos and Roblox games. I happily shelved the materials that came in from the drop box, a contented skip in my step as I wove my way around the screen starers and shelved DVDs.

My old not quite nemesis Almost James Bond showed up yesterday, and as I was in a congenial mood, I looked him dead in the eyes and sweetly said, "Hello." He responded in kind and only bolted from the library two whole times as I had a bit of benevolent mercy on him and refrained from shelving anywhere near his super nervous form. I'm pretty sure that one day Almost James Bond will work up the nerve to actually have a conversation with me, and I totally await that day with relish.

There were two incidents that happened over the last two days that were not the norm. Well, parts of them weren't the norm. Both of them revolve around another facet of my librarian job, tech support. It seems that I and my co-workers are constantly trouble shooting all manner of tech related questions, from accessing the WIFI to printing documents from all manner of sources. We have all gotten pretty used to it over the years, but yesterday and the day before added a couple of new incidents to my lengthy dealing with the public incident archive.

The first moment came when a woman in at least her sixties strolled up to the counter and asked if I could help her connect to the library's WIFI. "No problem!" I chirped in reply and started to check her network connection settings. Now, one of my little personality quirks is that I hate it when too many programs and tabs are open, so as I needed to go to another screen to fix something, I started closing out some of the open programs and screens relating to what I was working on.

I noticed that Ms. Chromebook was getting a little agitated as I did so, and before I could reassure her that I was just cleaning up my work-space and not leaving her a cluttered desktop, I closed the last window.

A healthy pair of mammary glands perched gracefully upon the chest of a blonde woman peered back at me.

Now, as I work with the public, this is was not the first time I have spied nudity, nor will it be the last, but my first concern was for the demeanor of the lady I was helping, for she erupted into an embarrassed monologue that was not very eloquent in its dictation but quite meaningful in its delivery.

"I'm so sorry, this is my husband's computer, I'm so, so sorry!" she repeated over and over again.

"Oh don't you worry," I replied with what I hoped was a reassuring tone, "it's no problem at all."

I just felt bad that I had made the lady uncomfortable. I mean, all she wanted to do was check her email, so I quickly opened a web browser to check and see if my work was finished. Everything ended well, but I did spend some time wondering if Chrome Book Wallpaper Girl suffered from chronic backaches...


The next incident happened last night. It was nearing closing time, and my esteemed coworker @jacobtothe was speaking to our manager about some adult programming things when I noticed a patron come in and walk up to the counter. I was sitting in a chair in the back office when he loudly said,


I looked him in the eye and hopped out of my chair, "What can I do for you?" I replied as I walked towards him.

Now, I know that I am not completely homely, but the man's eyes widened as I walked toward him and I swear his entire demeanor changed as I drew near to the circ counter. I quickly wondered if I had left some of my lunch on my face or something.

"Hi, how are you doing today?" he replied with a strange intensity, which was probably the name of his body spray, because that stuff about knocked me over as I got within smell-range.

"I'm doing very well thank you." I responded, "How can I help you?"

He then, in his very intense and I am assuming at this point flirtatious way, launched into an "I need to print something speech," but as the dialogue continued it became apparent that he was not only interested in my technical offerings. I pulled open the circ desk drawer and removed a guest pass and led him over to the patron computers, the whole time he was making conversation with me like we were at a coffee shop or a bar. Every time he would try to get a bit on the personal side with his inquiries I would divert him back to professional help land, but I have to admit hi manner was a bit unnerving.

The way our printing system works also meant that I had to interact with Rico Suave some more, for whenever a patron prints something from the computers it routes it to our circ computer and we send it through to the printer. Most of the time this is not a big deal. Only when printing resumes in Russian for Almost James Bond has it ever caused discomfort. Well, the discomfort meter achieved greatness as I processed Rico Suave's print job. I swear I felt like the Earth beneath the English Channel underneath that man's drilling gaze.

Now, I am very happily married and not exactly a school girl, so the whole incident was somewhat amusing, but I have a strange feeling based on the man's obvious interest that he will probably be back. At least I have time to hatch a scheme that will let me provide quality customer service whilst also discouraging his interest.

It's days like the last two that make me snicker whenever someone says to me, "Oh! I've always wanted to be a librarian. I want to sit around and read books all day."

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The Actual Look I get on my face when someone utters the above sentence to moi.

And as mostly always, unless otherwise cited, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's fatigued and somewhat bemused iPhone.

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Haha ... I don't think I have ever seen a librarian read a book at a library. Too busy. love the quip about Rico Suave's cologne. Seriously, cologne is usually a turn off for me, but I do have to admit to a weakness for Fahrenheit. Weird I know. But most colognes just give me a headache. I often have to change seats to avoid them.

I was a coffee girl in university. I think I understand your situation a little. How do you hide from would-be romeos when you have to serve them.

Glad to hear the almost James Bond is doing well:):):)

Two curses of service sector work: too much scented products or insufficient hygeine. It's extra scary when people compensate for the latter with more of the former.

I have had a couple women awkwardly flirt with me at the library, but the lady librarians seem to get a lot more unwanted amorous attention than I do.

Does seem to be the case most often:)

Not weird at all! There are certain colognes that I like the smell of, just not when it is exuding out of one's pores, lol!

Ooh, I bet you had a time of it in coffee land! There's no way to hide from the Rico's for sure, but you can foil them in their attentions from time to time, ha ha!

I, too, am glad that Almost James Bond is healthy, library life would be almost boring without his anxiety ridden presence;)

There was always hiding in the back room until they cleared out. Hard to stretch a coffee visit where I worked ... we didn't have any tables. It was to-go or nothing. I imagine it is much harder for you:)

Ha ha! This could so easily have been a description of a desk shift at our library. Nice to know the library tasks, regular customers, even the Roblox and YouTube aficionados, are the same even on the other side of the world ;-)

Fellow librarian high five has been sent in your direction, hang in there, lol!!!

Uh oh. If almost james bond catches rico suave chatting you up there could be trouble. Let's pray he doesn't get the russians involved. I'm not fully prepared for WW3 yet.

I'll film it and post it to dtube if that happens!

I look forward to that!

Let's just hope there's no collusion between the two😂

I'm probably a horrible person for hoping that they both visit the library at the same time, but it would be amazing to see the two superpowers on display, Super Awkward versus Super Odiferous!

I'll let you know if there are shots fired, keep on prepping😉

Oh boy, the fun of dealing with the public lol!

When and if, AJB ever does get up the nerve of a few sentences, I am laying money he accidentally says something mortifying!

Yes you look slightly less than amused LOL

He has briefly spoken to me on a couple occasions, but somehow I suspect I don't have the same effect on such guys that @generikat seems to have. I am ok with this though.

Yes probably a good thing, really lol.

Lol! I usually have a pretty big and derpy smile on my mug, but there are times LOL!

AJB is getting closer to convo, but every time he almost does it he bolts out the door.

I wonder whether my Aunt Vi had time to sit and read in the tiny library of which she was in command back in the '60s? It was one little room in the corner of the city hall, and ancient and musty building. The town was so small, I can't imagine the library being constantly bustling with business. When I went there with my mother and sisters, there were rarely any other patrons in the room. There were no computers back then, of course, so that was one less library attraction.

That place sounds like paradise! I wonder how Aunt Vi spent her days, and I have to smile a bit just thinking about how she didn't have to shush Robloxians, lol!

"Rico Suave" LOL! Have I yet subjected you to Todd in the Shadows? He discussed the song in much more depth and more mockery than one might think possible.

Ahh, JT, I can always count on you to share the almost obscure but entirely relevant to the topic at hand stuff with moi. Thank you for the entertainment, lol, lol!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I think the moral of this most amusing account is that gorgeous babes such as yourself should probably either avoid jobs--such as librarian--in which frequent and repetitive contact with the public is required, or else develop an appropriate suit of psychological armor and conversational repartee so as to be able to ward off such creatures.

Of course, I can understand the reaction of both Almost James Bond and Rico Suave, as my bipolar personality cavalierly flip-flops between fearful introspection and brazen flirtatiousness... Sadly, the long white whiskers have the effect of causing me to seem pretty harmless to most lovely librarians. :O

But, my dear, I do have to concur with Rico Suave's general reaction... You do clean up pretty nicely! And, to think that you have brains and mad homesteading skillz as well. I'm sure your hubby counts himself a lucky man. ;)



Wow! This comment of yours made me smile and blush slightly, but out of total appreciation:) My friend, you are beyond so very kind, and I am reasonably sure that I don't deserve such high praise, but thank you!

Part of my problem is that I got married so very young, never dated, and don't see myself as a "babe" lol! Makes for an interesting reaction with the herd for sure.

Also, there is nothing harmless about white whiskers, especially on awesome inventor surfer dudes;o)!

:) <3

Oh! I've always wanted to be a librarian. I want to sit around and read books all day."

If they only knew.... The characters that you encounter at the library could be their own drama especially with you telling the tale.

I may or may not have laughed out loud at the picture of twin peaks after your description of Chromebook Girl. Well played! 😄😄

Ha ha ha! I am so glad you appreciated that, I know the idea and image made me giggle more than a little.

Yesterday, I actually had to raise my voice at some of the characters, not a thing that I do very often. It would be kind of fun to have a small town library dramatization show, we'd never run out of material that's for sure, lol!

Hope you both are having a smashing weekend:)