I kind of Lost my job!?

in life •  6 years ago 

Well today instead of another travelling post I'll be talking about some unexpected news that came to me yesterday. I haven't been sacked or anything but regardless, from next week I'm officially jobless. As some of you may know I've been working as a poker dealer in a private members club for the past two and a half years. This job has givven me a lot of different emotions and memories to keep but the council decided to visit us a week ago and well.. they want to regulate things a lot more. They want the club to stop with the poker and go the social club way with pool tables/darts etc... Eventually in the future they may include a little bit of poker as a side thing. If these requirements aren't met in the very near future - the club would be shut. It isn't even common knowledge yet and not all the staff knows about this but there would be no need for me or any other dealers any time soon, if ever. That's how my steady job that was bringing me quite good income is suddenly gone. With that my plans for moving to Thailand are probably going to be pulled closer and I may be moving sooner than I was planning to. 


So what now?

So what does someone do after he suddenly loses a job? Updates the CV, goes on all the web sites looking for job offers and puts himself on the market. I have slightly different plans though. With the savings I have left from working and thanks to crypto I'll be able to sustain for a couple of months at least. 

Thanks EOS! It's been a good run!

I plan on being a lot more active on Steemit. Try and post everyday.. since well I won't have anything to do anyways. Cutting 70 hours a week from the schedule all of a sudden makes space for so much more. Steem is one of my top priorities since I've been here for almost a year and I quite like the environment. 

Get my trading game on. I've been trading, hodling and reading a lot but never really had the time to invest into this since I was always doing other things predominantly. Now I got time to explore that and enough crypto accumulated to tingle with it.

Get my PT and Nutritionist training done! Finally got a reassessment date for my level 3 Personal Training exam. First one my client got ill on the date so couldn't attend and I had to wait for 6 months to get that new one. I have to work with a new person so all of the paper work will be redone but I'll have the time for this now.  I'll be working with my friend Archie for the next month or so and maybe continue after. Would most likely write posts about our progress and work there.

Get on social media and start accumulating online authority for my fitness and nutrition business. As this is what I plan to do once I move to Thailand it is time for me to start and hustle a bit so I can build that audience.


Final thoughts on the subject

Now while this isn't something I was expecting at all and it came to me as a shock.. I think it did come in the right time. I was stressing about all the things I had on my mind this month with my assessment coming in, with the trading I wanted to get more involved into and the Social media influence I need to build for my future business. Now I'll have all of the time in the world to do it and be more active on Steem in the same time. I was so concerned about starting to work in a gym since my pay would've been so much less than what I was earning until now.. Now that I don't have that income anymore that barrier is completely gone. As people say only time will tell what is going to happen. Thanks for reading and I hope you'll be seeing me more often from now on!  


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It's okay darling, I'll support you. Everything is flying to the moon, so it's fine!)

Haha thanks for the support! I do hope everything will keep flying to the moon and we all profit massively from it!

I have always noticed that what is a negative in the short term can turn positive in the long term. From Sep 2017 to Jan 2018 I was in Germany. When I returned, I found out my place had been broken into by homeless drug addicts and everything I owned stolen or sold.

It looked pretty bad, but the flipside is that now I don't have all that accumulated stuff holding me here. This gives me the freedom to do other things somewhere else if necessary. I have a feeling you will thrive after this change in your timeline. Best wishes to you George! :)

Thank you for that wish! I think if there was a time for this to happen this was the right time and it will pull my attention towards more important things! Hope you are doing well!.. I lost potential profits, you've lost things you already own which is a bigger deal than my little problem.

It might look a little bit scary, but everything is going to be fine <3

Heh thanks bud! I know it will!

Best of luck! Finding yourself suddenly out of work can be difficult. Moving to Thailand sounds interesting, though! I'll definitely be looking forward to seeing those photos, when you post them.

I found myself in a similar spot about two years ago, after falling and breaking my collar bone. I worked as a photographer at the time, and they wouldn't let me come back, because having broken bones and working with children is a liability!

I believe that finding myself out of work will help me find myself. It probably isn't as bad as it looks like. To be honest today I woke up quite hyped about what is to come and feel quite optimistic about it. Thank you for the support and I hope you have recovered and are doing well!

It forced me to revaluate. I took an interpreter training class and, now, am in a graduate degree program. The bone healed, but I still have two screws in it that the surgeon didn't want to remove.

Good luck with your next chapter of life. Sometimes unexpected changes turn out to be a blessing in disguise!

Далеч съм от мисълта да анализирам или напътствам.
Затова искрено ти пожелавам много успехи.
Както е казал народът - Всяко зло за добро.

Точно тази фраза мислих да ползвам за финал, но нещо не ми звучи на английски! Благодаря за пожеланията! Аз съм оптимист, така че държа горе главата! :)

Every cloud has a silver lining. Това е аналога на всяко зло за добро на английски.
Дано наистина да е за добро. Тази работа и без това беше само временно.

Welcome to the club! I was made redundant not long ago...