Are we all just thieves and liars?

in life •  8 years ago 


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Exaggerate:  represent (something) as being larger, greater, better, or worse than it really is. 

Why do people exaggerate?

Human nature can make people do funny things.  People very often feel that they are not accepted by others and to be accepted, they need to bend the truth a little.  Some people exaggerate when they tell stories to make it more believable.  The truth is, people want to belong somewhere and people want to be recognized by others. 

People exaggerate for various reasons but mainly to prove a point. People with low self esteem often speak loudly because they believe others look down on them.  To compensate, they speak loudly and twist the truth to make sure that they are heard. 

Men want to be seen as brave and courageous  and exaggerate in front of women to get their attention.  Women can also be very loud and will make up stories to get the attention of a man.    

Interestingly, people will exaggerate if people do not see their point of view.  Instead of just admitting that they are wrong, they will continue to try prove their point. 

The mere fact is that we all exaggerate sometimes! Exaggeration could however become a very bad habit. Whether people consciously exaggerate or not, it can be very annoying, and it could cause people NOT to listen to you anymore.  They are so used to you not telling the truth that they can actually stop believing you. 


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Is exaggerating actually lying?


Most fishermen exaggerate.  A small fish can instantly turn into a giant fish.  So is that actually lying or just bending the truth?  In a humorous situation exaggeration fits in perfectly.  It could also not even be seen as a lie.  The fisherman actually did catch a fish, he just twisted the truth about the size.  


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Is there really a difference between lying and exaggeration?

Let us look at a different scenario:

Peter earns $ 50 000 per year.  While Peter is at a party he wants to impress his new friends, and tells them that he earns $ 250 000 per year.  Is that a lie or is that bending the truth?  

That is a blatant lie!

What if Peter told them that he actually earns $ 50 001?  Would that still be a lie?  

For sure!  

So ask me exaggerating lying?  Yes, I believe that exaggeration is lying. So does this mean that we are all liars?  Possibly....if you bend the truth just a little then it is no longer the that classifies as lying.   


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Here are some more food for thought:

1.  Who of you have ever taken a pen out of an office without realizing it?  When you get home and you find the pen, do you drive back to give back the pen to the rightful owner, or do you keep it? 

To keep the pen means that you actually stole the pen. 

2.  You pick up a great amount of money next to the road.  You have no idea who it belongs to.  What do you do?

Would you try to :

a.  Find the owner

b.  Hand it in at the nearest police station

c.  Keep it for yourself?

3.  What is the difference between stealing a pen or stealing a car? 

Nothing..... absolutely nothing.  Stealing is stealing whether you steal a pen or a pencil or a car, there is no difference!

So to proof my actual point, we are all thieves, and we are all liars!  


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At the end of the day we are all just human.  We are all equal and we all tend to do the same things.  To exaggerate a little makes us human.  Think before you judge anyone, because they might think exactly the same about you!


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Thanks! I share

Thank you for the comment I appreciate it very much!

You're welcome!

Great post @giantbear.Very well written..Thank you.upvote.greets

Thank you @germanlifestyle I confused myself there for a! Glad you enjoyed it.

Very well done...exaggerating is lying! There's an old joke about why women are bad at math...because men have historically given them a false concept of what 9 inches really looks like.

Ha ha ha!!! Thanks for the comment and the joke you made me laugh!

awesome post

We all fall short, friend. Rom 3:23. I am a liar because I have lied. I am a thief because I have stolen. I am an adulterer because I have lusted. I am the "chief of all sinners" and not there is not anything righteous (in a absolute sense) that dwelleth in my members.

But there is good news to those it has been granted to believe. (By default, we exist in a position of enmity due to the imputed sin of Adam, which I believe as well to be foreordained via divine determinism)
Imputing a righteousness alien to the sinner is how a just God justifies the ungodly. There are indeed metaphysical implications to this.

Romans 4:1-5New International Version (NIV)
Abraham Justified by Faith
4 What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? 2 If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. 3 What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”[a]
4 Now to the one who works, wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation. 5 However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness. Christ's death and the sinner being baptized into His death. That, alone, is my righteousness before Holy. Nothing more and nothing less. This is "scandelous" to the world of false religion because fallen man has a innate desire to want to establish a righteousness of His own.

Thanks for sharing your perspective!

I don't agree. I sometimes exaggerate during my lectures to make a point clearer. This does not make me a liar as it is clear to everybody I exaggerate to emphasize something.

LOL...ok, you are not a liar...just had to write something completely different today cause I have been quite invisible here on Steemit. I think to emphasize something when you explain it is quite different. I also do it A LOT during my lessons. Especially in Science as it is the only way they ever understand anything. I would've loved to attend one of your lectures! :)

Come to Berlin tomorrow and you will be able to ;)

Take a!

Too late ;)