Time to let go...

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

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We often wakeup in the morning and just feel like we're not in the mood to do anything. But we get up and do what we need to get through the day.  Sometimes we don't. Because at certain times it is necessary just to throw all rules overboard and let ourselves loose. This feeling reminds me of that annoying song "let it go" from the movie Frozen.

I am currently on leave and that is exactly what I decided my motto will be during this time. I will let things go...

I need to relax and let go of some daily duties, and this is exactly what I have planned. This is also something that many people need to do in their daily lives. We are often so overwhelmed by daily duties that we become irritable and often take out our  stress on our kids and other family members, and it is not fair to them.

We need to let go of certain things because we try to fit in so many things daily to please everyone that we often burn out. We need to let go… and see life from a different angle. 

What if you did not wash the dishes after dinner…let it go. Tomorrow is not going anywhere. What if your child forgets his homework at home…let it go. Tomorrow he will remember. You ate a  chocolate for breakfast and now you feel guilty... let it go. Monday is a new week to start a new diet. 

I am not talking about responsibilities like cooking etc. Some things still needs to be done!

But the let it go statement could cause a revolution. 

What if people stop clinging to the past and let the past only be the past?

What if everyone just stopped worrying about stupid things that don't really mean anything.

Wouldn't everyone be happier? 

If we make our lists shorter we could make the time longer that we actually spend with our families. I think that is far more important. 

Let go and become a better person. 

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Letting go now! I totally agree that we gotta have shorter lists and longer time with our families.

No no, I want to let go of cooking dinner too! I think I'll order something tonight, lol.

Yip...do it!

Haha sounds like a plan!

Oh! Thank you for this post @giantbear. I definetly am my own worst enemy, I constantly overload myself with duties, cling onto small things and really get drainned at times. As I have O.C.D, what is a 'little thing' for someone is a massive deal for me; hence, letting it go is twice as hard for me! 😅 But I am taking small steps and trying to change. Your words are reassuring and encouraging. Thank you for this! 🙂

Relax and "let go" = exciting life. Thank you for reminding us.

O I am letting go of any responsibilities from school. Cannot wait. Enjoy your holiday

Sounds good enjoy your holiday. If I have a day like that, I also just tell everybody, sorry I am not cooking today. Everybody for themselves. Try it, I promise you they survive :-)

That is actually pretty Zen what you describe. Being in the moment and not thinking about the past or the future. A little bit of Zen during the day can make things much easier. I should listen to what I write myself. The past two months were an intense rollercoaster on Steemit around the clock.

By the way: Your first sentence is the most important part of the post after the title image an the title. It is visible on the preview. You should put your image source somewhere else, maybe on the buttom.

I totally agree. Sometimes you even have to let steemit go...at least for a little while. To experience the real life and then come back to steemit, refreshed with new ideas. That's what I have been doing recently, putting my toes in the river of life😉.

So true , a phrase that can change so much ! Thanks for the inspiration.