What if you were buried alive. Myths and reality

in life •  9 years ago 

Horror stories about how some man buried alive, still exist from the Middle Ages, if not sooner. And then they were not horror stories, and the real facts were. Too low was the level of development of medicine and similar incidents could easily happen. Rumor has it that this terrible thing happened to the great writer Nikolai Gogol, and not one with him.

Regarding our time, the chances of being buried alive almost none. The fact that doctors are curious why something very like to clarify, and died from what this or that person, and this is opened it, examined organs and finishing neatly sewn. You understand, wake up in a coffin in this scenario does not work, more so in the conclusion of the pathologist will line "The autopsy revealed that death occurred as a result of the autopsy"

Okay. For example, your relatives were strongly opposed by religious or opening any more reasons. It is sometimes rolls and in our country. In this case, the chance that you will be buried alive there. Next two options - either a cheap coffin, which is two and a half meters of land break just so, or a metal coffin, road and fortified. But here is not the fact that he survived.

There was one time on the Discovery Channel Cross - "MythBusters." There are two engineer / master of special effects reproduce the popular myths and stories, checking in practice - if it's possible. In one series, they still came but buried alive. Actually, high-quality metal coffin, controlled conditions - the ability to one click to remove the wall, holding two meters of land, camera, microphone, rescuers at the site. Coffin began to slowly fill the earth. Not fully filled - we test their nerve, as the metal coffin began to deform. So, alas, even with expensive coffins, you may not be lucky.

The second option - you buried alive evil bandits. But these gentlemen certainly will not spend money on a coffin and bury you without it. But okay, say these gentlemen become generous and still provide you the desired container. Chances are - cheap, so it is stupid to break under the weight of the earth, you have no oxygen supply will continue to talk about.

Okay, let's say you buried very, very deep, which in itself is unlikely, because in this respect there are rules, for violation of the gravediggers who are punished. And at the same time you put in a coffin, which miraculously survived the load and collapsed to hell. What's in this case encourages internet?

"First of all, do not panic." Brilliant. You come to himself, the surroundings are dark, you can move, but the arm straighten - has not, moreover, taken for the dead can only be a person who is in the real Khrenovoe state, and this is also reflected in the psyche. And it has not come the realization that over two meters of land you. Do not panic. Yeah of course. That's right everyone can easily take himself in hand. Plus more aware of the fact that you will probably be very hot, because the chance that you will come immediately after an buried alive - is minimal. And a substantial portion of the oxygen is already spent.

"Check if you have the opportunity to call". Yes, some are already buried with mobile phones. But, damn it, many even in connection to the underground no catches! And here we are talking about two meters of land, which are remarkable obstacle for any signal. Plus, we must also understand, fumbled the phone to see that there still remained a charge ... In short, a chance at least.

"Lift the shirt over his head, almost removing it inside out, and tie to get a bag." The width of the tomb - from 50 to 70 centimeters. Are you sure that such manipulation may be held in such a confined space? At least it will be difficult. And given the confusion of the preceding factors, and lack of oxygen, then at all unrealistic.

"Use your legs, that make a hole in the middle of the coffin. Alternatively, use the buckle of the belt ". The height of the coffin - from 30 to 50 cm, depending on the size of "the deceased". You stupid not to be able to swing properly. While there, I saw the movie as the heroine Uma Thurman, who is buried alive, the focus is still able to replicate. But here's the problem - it is specially trained to this impish Chinese so she could deliver crushing blows without swing. And you have such a teacher certainly was not. With feet situation is no better - you are unlikely to be able to even bend at the knees. Again, while you are trying intensively to break cover - consumes more oxygen. And about the expensive metal coffin, I generally keep quiet.

Total. To help you recover after you buried alive, you need an extremely improbable coincidence of circumstances. But even if it suddenly happens, the chances to get out you are not stupid. Unless a miracle happens. On the other hand, phobia quite common, so you can in theory be prepared for this situation. Just know that in the US specifically produce coffins, from which you can tell if their inhabitants suddenly tired of lying there. A well-formed will and money to provide you with such a grave. And trite tactical knife that seriously increase your chances in the fight with a lid.

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