HIRING-FIRINGsteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  7 years ago 

Hello guys it's me again @giftizy and am here with a beautiful insight which even I was not aware of before but am gonna share what I discovered about hiring and firing.
I heard this two phrase from a lecturer on friday but I thought about the words and had to relate them to the life of men. Think of the phrase hire and fire, they are opposite terms but from my own understanding hire means to accept and fire means to reject. Just think what do I hire and what do I fire in my life? Do I hire positive things or do I hire negative things? Do I hire negative when I think it is positive or do I fire positive things when for a fact it is actually negative?
Many of us are actually on the cross-road about what to hire and what to fire. In terms of offence we tend to take it hook, line and sinker, always getting mad at people sometimes for no reason and sometimes for little things we should have talked about with that person. For example our colleague leaves us out maybe from an important meeting or an opportunity that would have thrusted you to a good position in work we tend to get mad, tend to pay them back maybe with same evil. That is hiring negative things to cloud our mind which make us to be negative and bringing us down because that colleague might not even be aware that you are mad at him, now that is like pouring water in a basket. Sometimes we go around all negative because we want to pay people in their own coin. We hang our feelings around our shoulders and become negative.PhotoGrid_1520812861631.jpg

As a student, our course mate/friend might fail to to tell us of an important test or assignment that was announced in our absence and try to have a negative feelings about that person,we might even put up a negative attitude whenever we are around them. We try to let what they did get to us instead of firing such offence and forgetting about such things.
The word offence comes from a Greek word which means bait, some of us take that bait offered by the devil hook,line and sinker, we know offence is not of God and is of the devil, the devil wants us to be negative, down, angry and always offended. Sometimes we get offended for no reason, we hate a person for no reason, actually, I have been in such a situation when I hated someone for no reason just because someone told me he was proud and never respected his dad but when I got to know the person and the reason he was like that, I found out that he was actually a nice person and wasn't proud at all and the reason it was as if he was rude to his dad was because his dad failed to pay his fees when he ought to, but I found out that he loves his dad so much, since his dad is the only family he's got. I let the enemy feed me the bait that he was proud and arrogant, I took the bait all the way without giving the person time or day to explain himself. Just like me, some of us get angry because a person refused to respond to our greetings and kind gestures, we get offended at that person without knowing the reason why that person is like that, that person might be going through a rough patch in which he can't talk about it but needs a friend to hear him out. A person might be silent for a while but wants to be heard, the right thing to do at such time is be a friend to that person instead of being negative around such person give him/her that listening ear he/she is craving for.quote-an-honest-man-speaks-the-truth-though-it-may-give-offence-a-vain-man-in-order-that-it-may-william-hazlitt-81722.jpg

When we offend someone we always find an excuse to justify our actions why we did that, why don't we offer that same excuse to people for example if our colleagues leaves out of an important meeting we just need to give the person that excuse by saying by saying maybe he has a lot on his mind that he forgot to tell us about the meeting and just shake it off and move on, instead of taking that bait we should learn to forgive that person. Don't allow that offence to grow in us and make us have a sour attitude. For the Bible says the devil is going around like a roaring lion seeking for whom to devour. Offence is from the devil so we should fire it from taking root in our lives and hire forgiveness. For example with our phone, when we try to call someone and the person is not responding the lady from the network tells us the number we are trying to call is currently not available please try again later sometimes we ignore her and continue calling and each time she repeats such words without getting offended at us. Same way we should give people the same liberty and forgive and also move on.
Another thing we need to fire are negative words the word I cannot we should try to speak something positive to our lives by saying I can because there is power in spoken words and the Bible says in proverb 18:22

For death and life are in the power of the tongue

There is power in the tongue and everything in this world except man was spoken into existence, God spoke everything into being, the Bible also says in the book of Job 22:28 decree a thing and it shall be established. We can't decree a thing by looking at it we decree a thing by speaking. What do you want to see in your life, do you want failure or success? We need to see a bright future in us and we don't need to see negativity in us believing that we can do all things and not negative things. Have u ever wondered why some people make it and others don't make it in life, well that is because our life is moving according to what we have spoken over it. Guys if we speak the right words, we are going to see positive things but when we say negative things we know what to expect. Friends always fire negative words and hire the positive ones.
There are so many things we need to hire and fire in our life all we need to do is look inward and see if someone shows us the same attitude we show to others if we would be happy and ta-da we got our answer but I urge you to hire the right things and fire wrong things.
Thanks for taking a wonderful time to read this post, I hope I was of help to you in any way. God bless you

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