Of Prune Juice And Ginger Ale

in life •  6 years ago 

It's been a busy week so far. Not so much on Steemit, but that reality we like to call life.

My wife went in for hernia surgery on Monday. When the surgeon got poking around, she found not only the hernia my wife was having trouble with, but two smaller hernias that would have probably grown if unattended. All three, thankfully, were worked on.


It was also an outpatient surgery, which means my wife is supposed to be healed up in four weeks, as long as she manages to avoid tearing anything, as well as keeping up on her sleep and walking. So far, it's not been the easiest of combinations to comply with, but I think she's been doing well for the most part.

She's already at the boredom stage, however, after just two full days home. That's because she can't do much of anything other than sit and watch TV, read or watch the granddaughter run around. She is supposed to move about, too, which has has been, but it's mainly from the chair on one side of the house to the bathroom on the other side and back.

Now, that's not the reason for this post. It's the background for what's happened this evening.

The pain pills my wife was given have a tendency to cause constipation. While she hasn't been eating as much as she normally does, she has been experiencing some of the constipation. Nothing she's tried to alleviate that has helped, so while my son and her daughter were out and about, they stopped at WinCo to get some prune juice to jump start bowel movements for my wife, along with some ginger ale for my daughter-in-law, who has been feeling poorly, presumably to help with her upset stomach, nausea, flu, whatever it might be.

Having purchased the items, my son and granddaughter got back to the car in the parkinglot, loaded up and made it all the way home before realizing that the prune juice and the ginger ale were still in a bag in the cart where he had left them. Apparently, he was more concerned about not leaving his daughter behind that he wasn't able to also remember the prune juice. Frankly, I can't fault him for that. Push comes to shove, the granddaughter will always be the one to bring home, even when she's a teenager.

Since the prune juice and the ginger ale was bought and paid for, my son went back for them. The granddaughter stayed at home, just in case. Actually, it was time for dinner.

When he got back to WinCo, he saw one of the employees retrieving carts and asked to see if maybe his cart was among them. It wasn't, but the worker referred him to customer service. So, inside my son went. When he asked the person behind the desk if someone happened to find some prune juice and ginger ale, the attendant knew exactly what he was talking about and handed over the items even though my son didn't even have the receipt, because it was also in the bag.

Now, I don't know who returned the items to customer service—it may well have been one of the employees gathering carts—but someone did. Then, the person at customer service was still able to/nice enough to just hand over the items. I'm guessing that most people don't come in looking for prune juice and ginger ale that aren't theirs, but hey, crazier things, right? Also, I imagine that around seven dollars worth of stuff is chump change in comparison to what might get shoplifted on a daily basis.

Regardless, I'm sitting here writing this feeling grateful that my son didn't waste his hard earned money on items he could no longer locate because someone was still good enough to turn the items in. I'm also grateful for a chance to see if the prune juice will help my wife. I'm thankful that there is still good people in this world. Which sometimes means overcoming a general apathy. I'm glad because I like to think it's what I would have done, had I wandered across the bag myself. I like to think what we do returns to us in some way. It seems to work when I let people into traffic, anyway.

And now with prune juice and ginger ale.

Photo image by Glen Anthony Albrethsen

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Hello @glenalbrethsen, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Hey, @creativecrypto.

Well, thank you. It's great to have you folks stop by once again. Thank you for all you do for creatives here, as well as the entire STEEM platform. Onward and upward.

Was wondering where you had gone. :)

Glad everything is going ok with the recovery.

Hey there, @pjau.

Yeah, everything is progressing I think. She's been up and about a lot more the last two days, and I'm not sure if I like it that much. Lot easier when she's just sitting down watching television than it is when she starts thinking she should be doing things around the house.

I kind of hit another Steemit wall last week, though, which accounts for why I haven't been around. This week, I've actually been on more than I was all of last week.

I guess I'll be slowly working my way back to normal over the course of the next two weeks I think, and then I might be able to spend some more time doing things. I hope so, anyway. :)

when she starts thinking she should be doing things around the house


Steemit wall

Think we all need a break from time to time, I've been taking it easy this week, been playing games all week. lol

I don't mind the breaks, if I willingly take them. It's when my morale shuts things down and says, nope, is when I have somewhat of an issue. I mean, I'm not used to having something like that happen. It's not like I'm not used to long work weeks or hard slogging as a former business owner. At any rate, I'm back at it as much as I can and we'll see where this all goes.

Wishing your wife a speedy recovery, and It's good to know there are some good people out there!

Thank you, @swan-nguyen.

She is doing pretty good I think. She's going slower than she'd like, but we were able to get her down the stairs today and out on a fifteen minute walk through the neighborhood. She's already talking about going to the grocery store on Saturday. We'll have to see. I doubt she's really up to that yet, so it would have to be pretty short.

re: good people

It's definitely a good feeling. Now, had it been chocolate ice cream and candy... :)

I hope that your wife will feel better soon Glen!

I used to live in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Belgium before I came to Switzerland. If you would forget something in the shop in first two countries you would probably never find it back, even if it would take you just 5 minutes to realize that you're missing something. I don't blame them in a way as the situation is not good. Of course there are people who would never take it but majority would. In Belgium you would most likely find your items.

Switzerland is completely different! It is a cultural thing I guess. Once I forgot to lock my car (I was preoccupied with so many things at that moment) and left it in a parking garage the whole day. When I got to the car in the evening and I saw it was open I automatically looked through everything and nothing was missing. I was so relieved. I know it was very stupid from me to leave it open but it can happen to anybody..

Sorry for a long comment but I have to tell you a story from Slovakia. A colleague of mine had a BMW X6 and an old car. She had it parked at home in an underground garage. The old car was in front of BMW so you couldn't drive out with BMW without putting the other one on side. Both cars were locked. The thieves were apparently very skilled with cars and managed to start the old car, put it on side and stole her BMW! So you can see the difference between the countries :)

Hey, @delishtreats.

Thank you for the well-wishes. I think she's getting better every day. I might actually encourage her to do some more walking today. We just have a flight of stairs to navigate down and back. :)

I've never been to Europe, so I'll have to take your word for all of it. My guess is, urban areas are going to bring out the worst in people over rural areas regardless of where you go. But, if there is a strong culture of your stuff is your stuff, then I'm sure that helps tremendously. I've heard stories about how valuable things can be left in Japan and you can find them intact the next day. I haven't been to Japan either, but my youngest son and wife have and they say it's pretty much like that.

I guess there are still places where people are honorable, and that's probably the main takeaway. I need to make it to Switzerland one of these days, though. I like what I've heard about Switzerland.

That's terrible about the BMW. A lot of effort just to do it, too, it sounds like. That would really, really upset me. I'm sure your colleague was, too.

Oh, and you don't have to worry or apologize about long comments with me. I don't mind them at all. :)

I'm glad she's getting better! I hope her bowel movement issues were resolved too ;) I'm sure she would be very pleased if she knew that you made these issues public, wouldn't she? Lol

I think that every country is a little bit different but you are right, urban areas will be worse. You should absolutely come to Switzerland! You will love it so much! I'm sure about that. It's such a small country but there so many things to be seen and enjoyed.

Oh, she was furious. It turned into a joke over time but at the beginning she really wasn't pleased.

That is good to know! I like to leave long comments :)

Have an amazing weekend!

I am happy to report that the bowel movements have been coming along and since she's not been taking the pain medication, that's helped. She's been getting around pretty good, up and down the stairs three times yesterday, along with a 30 minute or so walk around the neighborhood, so I think things are getting better. Just need to figure out a way to stop her from doing too much.

Okay, Switzerland it is. :) Not sure when, though. Any particular season which is better than another?

Looks like she's doing great progress! I'm glad to hear that!

Oh, it depends on what you want to see. If you like to ski then you should come around Feb - it's the coldest month with lots of snow. If you like to hike then you should come in late spring as summer it's quite hot and it's difficult to hike in such temperatures. I'm sure you would like it anytime of the year :)

It's good to hear that there are some good people still left in this world. I do get tired of all of the negativity that gets the press most of the time. Thanks for the uplifting recounting of events.

Now for the nasty. Good luck with the bowel movements.

Hey @naegling11.

Thank you for the well wishes here. I'm sure my wife would just be thrilled to know I've put this on the blockchain, but anyway.

I figured we all could stand to have some positivity when it does happen, and I think it does more than we get to know, just because negativity does sell, despite all of us not liking it.

It's like slowing down to see the accident, or to watch the house fire.

More than anything, I was just feeling happy that there's still good in the world, and maybe my wife will get some relief from it in the process. :)

I'm sorry that the meds are giving your wife problems. That's nice that your son was able to go to the store and get the stuff for her. Also nice that someone turned the goods back in when he forgot them. $7 might not sink the boat for a lot of people, but it's nice when things work out. I hope everyone starts getting better soon!

Thanks @themanwithnoname.

I'm hoping that whatever my daughter-in-law has is not contagious. I've managed to go most of the year without being ill so far and I'd like to keep it that way.

Not really concerned about catching what my wife has. As far as I know, that's not communicable. :)

I think the idea is to get my granddaughter out of the house when her mommy starts to cook, so she won't be at her feet in the kitchen where something can get spilled or worse. Which meant it was easier to get the things because they were already in town.

Still, I'm glad I have a son who takes responsibility for his actions, or inactions in this case. I'm also glad his daughter is his number one priority. Prune juice and ginger ale (even if it is Canada Dry), just aren't on the same level. :)

Well, here's hoping for a speedy recovery for everyone... and continued health for you.

Yeah, Canada Dry is no Seagrams, but it will do in a pinch. My wife really likes the Trader Joe's ginger beer. It's pretty good!

I was thinking I liked Canada Dry better, but now I'll have to do the taste test. I know I've had both, just not right after the other.

Thank you for the well-wishes. She seems to be doing well. She's been bored now for over a day, we went on a 15 minute walk around the neighborhood, and she seems to be eating well. She just needs to get the bowel movements going and we'll be in good shape.

Okay, there is some pain happening, but it's usually due to some kind of unexpected movement, more than it be something constant.

Never tried ginger beer. Interesting. The FDA classifies them as non-alcoholic even though they're fermented because they contain less than 0.5% alcohol.

Thas righ ocifer. Issss jussss 12 gallons of ginger beeeer... urp.

aww that's so nice Glen! It's refreshing to hear something simple like "returned Gingerale and Prune juice" for a change :) Hope your wife feels better in all ways!

Par for the course, my voting power is abysmal and I'm desperately trying to give it a chance to replenish. ugh!

re: voting power abysmal

Don't have to worry about that with me.

I think my wife is feeling better. She's spending much less time in bed than she did the first day (Monday), and she's already at the point of being bored. She's not supposed to do a whole lot of bending or stretching or picking up things, which is pretty much what she wants to do, so we did fold clothes held over from Monday and maybe we'll see about her making a trip downstairs or something.

It's strange, but I had a feeling it would work out. My guess is one of the cart attendants saw it. It would be nice to think that the average shopper decided to turn it in rather than take off with it or just leave it there.

I'm so glad to hear that your wife is fairing well Glen! After years of picking up, I'm sure she finds it difficult sitting still for so long :)

So, two days have gone by and she's wanting to do more now. Can't seem to get her to stop. :) I guess that's better than her being bedridden the entire time, except then I would feel better that she wasn't doing something to damage herself. :)

That was nice of whoever found it, but now it has me wondering, you see It took me forever to get to where I could drink Orange Juice straight. I always had to have a little fizz to go with it, so I would do half and half OJ and Sprite. I loved it. I wonder if Prune Juice mixes well with Ginger Ale?
I very rarely have a fizzy drink (soda) anymore because Diabetes, but do still like it for mixers sometimes.

If you have not had a hernia operation before, tell her she really really needs to go for those fifteen minute or longer walks. I had a heck of a time returning to close to normal from my hernia operation. (I did not like the walking it hurt a lot). I had to force myself to walk and to really walk, not shuffle, but it does heal it is just a slow process, the pain will go away. Don't let her bend over to pick anything up heavier than a dead kleenex.

Hey, @bashadow.

I've been trying to discourage her from bending at all, but I guess she's already done it a time or two. Can't take orders, apparently. :) She's been walking around upstairs, but we haven't gotten her out yet. Maybe we'll try that. The problem is our bedroom is upstairs so getting her down and then back up is something we've been avoiding for the last few days. I'm grateful for the feedback because the surgeon did seem to emphasize the walking and it's something she likes to do.

That's too bad you've had a hard time just drinking juice straight up. I have no idea what prune juice mixed with ginger ale tastes like. I would probably go with Sprite first, but I'm not partial to prune juice, either. :)

Walking is a pain, and it hurts, and climbing stairs a real pain from what I remember, but the walking will actually help with the pain, it helps to re strengthen the muscles that got nipped a bit here and a bit there.

We actually took a 15 minute walk this morning for a couple blocks up and back, and she seemed to do pretty good. I thinks she was happiest just to get downstairs and outside for a while. Problem is, she starts looking at everything she would like to have done, and either wants to do it herself, or me. :)

She made it down the stairs quite well and then back up the stairs, too. A pretty big improvement over Monday's ascent, I believe.

That's good, she just needs to keep up with what the Doctor said. Soon she will be back to her old self. it gets easier every day.

My experience has been that more times than not I've got back what I've left behind @glenalbrethsen.

I have a habit of leaving my handbag hanging on my chair in restaurants and pubs and so far, touch wood, someone has always handed it in. I've done that at least four times now. 😱

I hope your wife continues to recover nicely and daughter-in-law gets over whatever is ailing her.

Are you enjoying your bit of a break away from Steemit?

Well, yes and no.

I'm good with doing things for my wife. It's been a while since she's truly needed all of the assistance and doing things for her feels good. She's just kind of shuffling around like an old lady at this point, which even amuses her. :)

However, I would like to be doing a little bit more, and so far, I have been compared to last week. Just a little each day in between meals or what have you will work. By the end of next week, I would imagine she will be closer to normal. Since she's already bored, can't imagine what another few days is going to look like.

re: my experience

That's very good to hear, especially about purses. They're the easiest to cart off and potentially the most valuable. The fact that you've done it four times and each time someone has handed it in is a good sign, I'd say. May it continue to be that way, even though you'd rather not leave it behind in the first place. :)

Thank you for the well-wishing. The daughter-in-law was feeling better this morning, so we'll see what happens as the day progresses.