in life •  7 years ago 


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"Unless you are willing to change, you won't!"

This means that our willingness to change depends on us and it plays a big role in your journey towards success. What I mean is about voluntary change, which does not requires someone or anyone for you to change or to do things. Some says that the difference between change being traumatic or reasonably acceptable is directly related to the willingness to change.


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You make all decisions based on your personal belief window, which frames all your views of people, places, things, and based on what you know and believed, which influences the action you take regarding those same people, places, and things. Some of these beliefs may be full of errors, and strategic planning is what you nedd to expose and purge them.


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If you feel there is not enough time to do all you have to to or the results are not what you expext, you probably need some adjustments or change of plans. This is a polite way of saying that you need to develop a new way of thinking about what it needs and what it takes to really be a successful being in your personal and professional life.

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