What is A Global Renegade? Someone Who Lives off Crypto Income!

in life •  7 years ago 

As the name implies, a Global Renegade is part "Global" Citizen and part Political "Renegade." Together, a Global Citizen and a Political Renegade merges into one to become the ultimate decentralized individual who takes matters into their own hands to live a freer and more fulfilling life.

I will first start by explaining the "problem" and then providing the solution for how anyone can become a Global Renegade.

Political Renegade

Let's face it. Politics is becoming ridiculous.

We pay taxes so others can manage our lives, use them on pointless wars, increase the debt for future generations and then spy on us. Regardless of what your political ideology is, or even if you don't associate with any political party, the system is clearly broken as evidenced by anti-establishment movements growing across the political spectrum and reaching critical mass.

Why is the system broken?

Among other things, the blue print that has traditionally been taught to us about life: to go to school, get good grades, get a good job, save for retirement and hope to finally enjoy life during the golden years is outdated, and no longer works in this new age of a digital economy.

With the rising costs of traditional education coupled with low employment prospects in the West, many millennials are given no way to even save for retirement let alone keep up with the high cost of living.

Luckily, things are changing for the better. I am extremely optimistic about the future. The old rules are being broken and being replaced with new ones that can provide you with more freedom and fulfillment, if you’re able to see them.

Let me explain,

We are seeing technology democratizing practically every industry, rendering old professions obsolete. Industries that once had a tight grip over the economy are now losing control and will be forced to disappear or transform within the next decade. Banking, transportation, energy, restaurants, lodging, medical testing, manufacturing, and many other industries are being completely disrupted.

Practically every industry in existence is changing. Even the most traditional ones, like construction, are being transformed and automated.

Scary but exciting!

While I have a tremendous respect for certain politicians, Political Renegades don't look for answers within the current system nor ascribe to the beliefs that they can make our lives better.

"No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it. - Albert Einstein"

Being outside the traditional box or rather to be globalized, is the same technique tech companies are using to democratize practically every industry. This same strategy is applicable to your life.

Being global is more commonly referred to as being a Global Citizen. A Global Citizen it is the pragmatic solution Political Renegades use to live freer and more fulfilling lives.

Global Citizen

This is not to be confused with any new world order conspiracies but rather an individual who is open to doing business with the world.

Global Citizens have one primary advantage over conforming non-globalists, they literally diversify everything globally. And if done correctly, Global Citizens can experience an incredible life of freedom and fulfillment. When your life is spread across the globe, you can choose where to live, do business and invest where your interests are served the best.

Due to the advent of technology, solutions that were once only available to the global elite, are now there for anyone. For example, an online business can be incorporated in favorable jurisdictions where their income is now decentralized and possibly automated on the internet.

The forefront of a Global Renegade is resiliency by having more control over their own life's by being less reliant on governments and big corporations by decentralizing yourself from the system. Decentralizing yourself can be broken down into three parts: mindset, business and investing where we have came up with the Global Renegade Formula.

The Global Renegade Formula

The Global Renegade Formula is simple. Discover your core beliefs, transform those beliefs into a passion-based business and invest your money into a high yield machine that compounds interest. The result: freedom from The Establishment!

  1. It all starts by knowing your core values. Knowledge of your core values will spark energy and motivation from within to what you were meant to do, irrelevant of what others will say. (much like a decentralized computer program carrying out it's original code for life, without any changes of direction or loss of momentum) By decentralizing you mind, your message will be translated and sent all over the world through the power of you enthusiasm from your core.

  2. Leveraging step 1, the next step is to transform your passions and ideas from the inside to the outside where you will build your EMPIRE. Here is where you will create an unstoppable future that no one will be able to take down and build a decentralized income stream. This can simply be creating a Steemit account to talk about your passion and then later building a online business.

  3. The final step is to create and invest your money into the infinite realm. This will be done by moving some of it away from banks and institutions and into investments that yield high interest, able to compound easily, provide passive income and have relatively no fees. There are quite a few crypto options that can provide you this and will discuss in future posts.

This formula is easy to implement and anyone can do it. Today with cryptocurrency investments, normal average day people are quitting their jobs to manage and run their decentralized global business and income!

I will start to showcase here how you too can live a Global Renegade life! If there is anything in particular you want to read or see, please let me know and leave a comment.

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Your quote is spot on! I agree with you! Thank you for the interesting post.

¡This article is awesome!

it describe me a lot of.

When you discover your central values, yo can unleash a gold mine. Like you said: From inside to outside of you, All of us can create a high yield business that allow to get a life of freedom.

Sorry for my english, but it isn´t my native language.

Greetings and already following you, globalrenegade.