There is the need to be informed and to be well informed means you have to be in the right place at the right time.
Knowledge is key in our world today. If you are not informed you become deformed.
We are here on steemit exposed to a great wealth of knowledge every day, per minute per second and some times we take it for granted.
It is sad to say that many people are not informed because they have refused to seek for knowledge of whatever kind they desire.
The knowledge of blockchain is necessary for the future of this country, even in the elections that are coming up.
I wish many people are knowledgable about how is can chat a new course in the future of our nation.
I don't know much about the blockchain but there are far more people who need to know this little that I know.
My Gratitude
I had a conversation with someone I thought would be far more knowledgeable in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency than myself but it turned out that I have more knowledge than him.
Funny enough he is not willing to see what the future can be with the blockchain technology. I am glad that I know better and am teachable for more knowledge.
It pays to be in the light. Steemit has helped me to see the light. Thank you @tojukaka for the gratitude challenge. I might not have been grateful for such things as little knowledge and would have been complaining that I know nothing.
In everything give thanks.
I am @gloeze and I am grateful