Why I can't get into the United States. Spoiler* I smoke pot

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Post 9/11 America clamped down on its border security and that meant even us friendly Canadians next door can have significant trouble crossing into the United States.

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Credit: politico

Seemingly small details such as having a marijuana possession charge on one's record can lead to access being denied.

Even as some states legalize marijuana it is still illegal at the federal level, which means anyone that has small charges such as myself will most likely be turned around at the border and told to go home.

Ofcourse Canada is all set to legalize pot countrywide but even if you've smoked pot before you could be denied access into the United States as I understand. This is horseshit ofcourse but border guards have alot of power, if they don't want to let you in they can deny you..so it's best to try to make a good impression.

If you get asked by border guards if you smoke weed the best thing to do is lie, tell them you haven't and if you don't have any priors for possession or trafficking you should be all good.

There are pardon services and preclearance waivers you can apply for in Canada to enter the United States, the problem aside from the length of time they take to process and the hundreds of dollars they cost, is that it's still at the discretion of the individual border patrol whether or not you can gain entrance? Hypothetically you can get clearance, book your trip and still be denied at the border which for me is alot of time, effort and money to waste for the chance I could get turned around before I get to my destination. It's just not worth it or the headache.

So until the U.S relaxes its laws @goldenarms won't be travelling stateside, it sucks because there is alot of the US I'd love to see and I have money to spend but an old marijuana possession charge keeps me grounded. The funny thing is I have a passport and can travel anywhere in the world except for next door..

Thanks for reading,


This guy has even stated publicly that he's smoked pot before but they still let him across the border 😞 you have to know someone I guess?..

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@goldenarms, You Just Got Hammered!

tbh the USA isn't amazing. Mainly because i live there. In cold ol' PA, a couple hour drive to your country. And since i've never touched a blunt, I go there when tf I want! hahaha but I think since you can't come next door, you should go dubai. I want to go there, but don't have the money.

If you give me your money, I'm happy to spend it state-side for you. I'll even send you pictures or video of how I'm enjoying spending your money. It will be like you're here spending it with me!

You don't really want to come to the US.. it's overrated. Save yourself the travel cost, and just send it to me. Problems solved!!

Didn’t know that, thanks for sharing. I’m sure at some point it will change.

That is really heartbreaking.

I am American and you are right, there are some unbelievable places to see here.

Quite frankly everyone is better the more people can travel and experience the bad and good of other countries. I am disheartened by the policy choices my country is making at a national level with regard to immigration, work visas, visitor visas etc.

My husband is Australian (US green card holder but not a citizen). We live close enough to the Canadian border that we go up a couple times each year. Coming back into the US is ALWAYS painful. We got stopped by one border guy last year who was perhaps one of the most disrespectful and insulting humans I have ever met. And you’re right , you can’t do anything to stop them because they can deny reentry (at least in my husbands case). If I had been traveling alone, as a US citizen, and been treated the way the agent acted towards us.... I would have risked getting pulled out of my car for extra screening just to prove to this guy I wouldn’t stand for his BS.

Going into Canada, the border patrol agents have never been anything but curteous.

Even Bill Clinton once smoked pot. Come to the Netherlands!

Half the people I know smoke pot lol And yes the Netherlands is on my list!

it's unfortunate to know that but good in some countries that's the way things are

Pretty shitty man 😢 Stupid law

I was going to ask why in the world you would want to go to the US, then you said you wanted to see some places. Look it up on google. It is faster and safer. The last time I flew I had to pass through Houston. The day after the incident where five police officers were gunned down. The tension in the airport was unbelievable. There are plenty of other beautiful places to visit besides the US. ow when I want to visit Canada a bypass going through the states. Period.

I also have friends in the US I'd love to go see. One is Mike from Pitbullion in Las Vegas..I see you Mike 👊😎 Sneak me across the border lol

Governments just make life so difficult...

That I agree with. Have yourself a fantastic day Ceci 👍😎

I have the exact opposite problem. I can't get into Canada. All because of 1 little brawl over a Maple Leaf vs Red Wings game. When Canada is 45min away and you can drink when you are 19... Either way I tried to cut across Canada on my way to upstate New York and got turned away at the border, that was 11yrs later when I was 30. Guess it works both ways.

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