Someone finally stole my bicycle

in life •  2 years ago 

I frequently talk about how I love how safe Vietnam is compared to other places that i have lived in the world and for the most part that is true. I guess some situations are just too advantageous for thieves to ignore though because after 3 years, my trusty $200 bicycle has been rushed away in the night, most likely to be sold for scrap because it isn't really worth anything being resold as a bicycle.


I initially bought it because I don't really care for riding scooters in a city as busy as the one that I live in and I also enjoy being able to get some sun and exercise. I didn't end up doing as much of the exercise stuff as I had planned because the landscape of Da Nang isn't really all that conducive to exploration seeing as how it is basically just a gigantic concrete jungle. I did enjoy having the ability to cruise around and see friends and run errands though. This has all come to an abrupt end when someone simply walked up and scooted away on it a few nights ago.

My building has a garage and security but I returned home from a drinking session a bit too late and the garage was locked and the security guard had already gone to bed in the lobby (not really sure why they employ a night security guard if he is just going to snooze while he is there) and nobody noticed anything, not that they would because stealing a bicycle isn't exactly the most difficult crime to commit.

I'm not trying to pass blame onto anyone else because I could have carried it into the lobby but because I had left it in the same spot so many times before, hidden behind a gigantic potted plant, I foolishly thought it would be ok. It has been so many times before but not this time.

I woke up the next day with the plan on going on a bit of a journey because of some new equipment that I had just bought something that I was really excited about trying out.

Still not going to reveal my face online, sorry! But you can see Nadi!

So there I was, wandering around the property and garage with a dog strapped to my front looking in vain for a bicycle that wasn't there.

The CCTV shows someone do a late night walk-by, then circle back twice before deciding to just ride off on it. The footage has been turned into the police but crimes like these do not get solved in Vietnam. I have no illusion that I am going to get it back.

Thankfully, my super-cool landlord let me borrow her bicycle so we still went on a bit of a trip together and as expected she absolutely loved it.

I think that for the rest of my time here I am just going to rent a bicycle from one of the local shops since they tend to be of better quality than the one that I had anyway. Who has a "Twitter" bike anyway?

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We never believe it can happen until it actually does, then we feel foolish for not realizing it (I say this for myself as something very similar happened to me many years ago).

It's great to have a night guard who just sleeps on site, they must have stolen his belongings 😅....

I think between buying another one and renting it's better the second option, plus you no longer have to worry about guarding the asset while he sleeps.

Greetings my friend.