New Books)

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hello, Steemians and friends!

I am so happy today! In the afternoon I and my daughter were going for a walk. We have visited some bookshops and newsagent's...

I have bought two wonderful books with the recipes of cakes and pies there... I like them very much! They are so colorful and bright. Hope, soon I shall cook some cake or pies.



I also have bought the notebook for writing new recipes...



Keep smiling, reading and voting!

Have a nice Sunday, dear friends!

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Thank you for information!

I am waiting to see in photos these recipes....

Hope, soon I shall do it)
Thanks for your support!

Тоже обожаю книги с рецептами:)
Очень жду посты с новыми вкусностями:)

Спасибо! А я, в свою очередь, жду новых рисунков:)
Кстати, оригинальный галстук в последнем посте!

wish you the best of success with the recipes!

Thank you, dear friend!