Good Deeds and Manners- #03 - Do not sever bond of relationship with your kith and kin

in life •  7 years ago 

In this series, I will try to post hadiths which tell us about good deeds and manners we should do and follow respectively in our daily life, as a human being.

Today's Hadith


This message is very straightforward. The prophet (PBUH) declared clearly that those who sever the bond with his/her kith and kin (blood-related) won't enter paradise.
In Islam, the relationship between relatives, especially blood relatives is valued very high. Something, for simple earthly matters we attempt to break such relationship. Sometimes to make a new relationship ( for girlfriend or boyfriend) we dare to break the relationship with our closest relative, even parents. Nobody will appreciate such acts. And if, before our death, we can't correct our mistakes and get a pardon from our relatives, we can't go to paradise.

There are other similar hadiths on the same issue.

Narrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saying, "Who ever is pleased that he be granted more wealth and that his lease of life be pro longed, then he should keep good relations with his Kith and kin."

In this hadith, we see that to gain more wealth and to live a long life, we should keep a good relationship with our kith and kin.

What is a Hadith?
According to Oxford Dictionary, a Hadith is

A collection of traditions containing sayings of the prophet Muhammad(PBUH) which, with accounts of his daily practice (the Sunna), constitute the major source of guidance for Muslims apart from the Quran

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Salaam 3laykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu
I was wondering if Prophet Ibrahim (alayhi wa salam) severed ties with his family that committed shirk such as his ignorant family that he left behind before he journeyed to Mecca and gave birth to his children Ismael (aws) and Isaac (aws)?

I am a Muslim that has family that has severed ties with me... will I be denied paradise because some of my family has not communicated with me for my life?

As a Muslim, what do I look forward to as an orphan who has no ties with blood kin? Will I be excluded from jenna for this reason?

Salaam 3laykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu
Saya tertanya-tanya apakah Nabi Ibrahim (alayhi wa salam) memutuskan hubungan dengan keluarganya yang melakukan shirk seperti keluarga yang tidak tahir yang dia tinggalkan sebelum dia pergi ke Mekah dan melahirkan anak-anaknya Ismael (aws) dan Isaac (aws)?

Saya seorang Muslim yang mempunyai keluarga yang telah memutuskan hubungan dengan saya ... adakah saya akan ditolak syurga kerana sesetengah keluarga saya tidak berkomunikasi dengan saya untuk hidup saya?

Sebagai seorang Muslim, apa yang saya nantikan sebagai anak yatim yang tidak mempunyai ikatan darah? Adakah saya akan dikecualikan dari jenna atas sebab ini?

Walikum Assalam. If you are forced to leave a place where you can not live like a Muslim and people in the former place trying to kill you, then you have to leave the place. And if your family are not ready to follow you, you have to leave them behind too. I think the same thing happened with Prophet Ibrahim (Alahi was Salam). Allah knows the best.

We know that a lot of Sahaba's [Companion of Prophet (PUBH)] relatives (father /mothers) didn't accept Islam at first. Sahaba (Ra) didn't sever the bond from their side (exception may be there, I don't know of) and kept trying to convert their relatives to Islam. But, on the other hand, Who didn't accept, rather came to fight, were even killed by Sahaba's (Ra)! My point is "don't sever the tie from your side and keep trying to convince them". If they sever the ties, Allah is the best protector.

Sohih hadis. Thanks for sharing.

Salaam alaykum warahmatullah. Thanks for sharing (brings back memories). Sometimes trying to uphold ties that had been severed even before you were born is hard but as a Muslim, you just have to do your best.