
in life •  7 years ago  (edited)



  1. Just say no.
  2. Why no? 找到你的原因
  3. 抓紧机会练自信心
  4. 知道自己的界限
  5. 离开场合。“家里有事,先走了,something's come up, I've gotta go"

哥们儿,她喜欢你!她在吃你豆腐的6个迹象: https://goo.gl/dge6uG


男人必须知道的3个正确姿势: https://goo.gl/NMWBep

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When using hashtags try using the ones for china and the chinese steemit community

Good video btw Im going to China to study chinese next year

Thank you Lexcorp, I appreciate your support, what hashtags would you suggest?

the only one it seems is " cn " but my advice is to check other successful chinese d-tubers using that hashtag on steemit and see what other hashtags they use.

Also subscribe like and comment on their videos and blogs in chinese do that on dtube and dlive and steemit
you will form bonds with them or at the very least they will know you exist and what you do.

you could also create your own hashtag to mirror steemit like cn-life or cn-business like the koreans used kr and created a host of new hashtags to have their own little microcosm

your lucky that china is just stating to blow up theres is still only one hashtag so create your own you might be the first to lead the way and gain recognition.

Good luck and stay hungry!

Thank you for your excellent advice, I will take it on board. Also follow me on youtube as well here for men's lifestyle advice in Chinese: https://goo.gl/5Eo2nB

Cool channel !! keep it up! Hope you have as much success on dtube