Money Is not Our Main Goal But as a Tool for Us to Get Main Goal.

in life •  7 years ago 

Money Is Not Everything But Almost Everything Need Money


Image credit : Pixabay

Money can not buy love , but without money is hard to get love.

Money can not buy kindness, but without money is hard to do kindness manner.

Money can not but healthy, but Without money is hard to maintain our healthy.

Money is not everything, but almost everything need money. (by anynomous)

What is money ? Money is any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a particular country or socio-economic context. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, sometimes, a standard of deferred payment (according Wikipedia)

Money is created to simplify our trading activity. Sometimes we do not realise that money is bunch of serial number. If we merely measure our happiness or goal by number, it will be endeless because number is infinity. This is make most people become greedy because they make number as measure of success and happyness.

Mostly we look richman as successfull person because they have a lot of properties and money. Yes... they are success ! Wait the minute, do we think person who not as richman is a loser ? Mostly we answer, yes ! When we using money as measurement, we will look richman as succesfull person . Even Stephen Hawking ever make statement to redefinition about term of success, he concerned that many people make a measure of success from how much money and properties we have.

Money is one of our tools to get our goal.

As we look at cite quote above, money is not everything but without that we will be difficult to get our needs. Trying focus to our goal, is more effective for first setting achievement our dream. For example when you want to become a doctor, ask yourself about the intention to become doctor, If your answer is to make more money becarefull after you become doctor but not make a lot of money. You will regret it, and try reconsider your aim. There is one good example, that someone to be a richman. Yes, the aim to be a richman is having a lot of money and property, but be carefull money have infinity number. It can make person become greedy, and purpose to become a richman is fail. Why ? Because number will not make us satisfied what we have and entering never ending story.

The main idea about money as a tool is we need money to get our dream. To make clear this idea, there is one example. Someone who want to become guitarist, but he does not have a guitar. So to fulfill his dream, he take a part time job and saving money to buy a guitar. After get a guitar, he will learn how to play it, if he succed become a good guitarist can earn money from it even changed as famous guitarist and rich musician. Well that sound nice , so trying to change our mindset and make money is our tool to get our dream and do not forget money also important because almost everything need it. (hpx)


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I like your post! 😻

Thank you ! :)

Some Good points.

Thank you ! :)

Excellent work dear friend @happyphoenix thanks for sharing your point of view

Thank you ! :)