Awesome, I've loved reading and watching your stuff quite awhile now Phil.
You explain we clarity the broader picture of this mad blind play at hand.
Your views remind me of a time I spent 21 years ago with Bill Mollison, he spoke about his ethics Care of the Earth, Care of the People & All surplus to go back to ethics 1 & 2.
I love that you see the vital need to recognize our spirirual connection in all of this. Without it, we are ships without rudders allowing the madness of the manipulated current to drift us into mindless pathetic games of the us & them divide & conquor variety.
I think whats really needed also is to really recognize the illusions of seperate nations etc via the Patriotic Lie/Scam, its a major part of the us & them division system. Its plays out not only in wars but also in sports and the 'pop' culture that you mentioned and are very aware of.
Thanks so much for stepping up and shining the truth mate.