On foot to joy and peace.

in life •  7 years ago 

Hiking is a great way to preserve beauty and youth! Recently, I began to get involved in walking. Not that I would not have loved them before. Just hitting a certain acceleration of time and having a car, preferred to travel even for short distances. Today I am at the age when it is no longer necessary to hurry. It is necessary to slow down. And the best way is to walk. This way of movement in space and time gives more opportunity to admire the surrounding world and the joy of being earthly life.
Do not have time to walk? Then try to give you some advice!

On foot to the joy of life

The topic of fighting against oneself and overcoming one's own laziness is familiar to many in the mornings. Fast and constantly accelerating pace of life, despite its speed, often does not invigorate, but tires and irritates. Numerous duties in the family and at work do not leave time to stop, to be alone with oneself, finding peace and relaxation.
Often an innocent remark of domestic people or the treatment of a colleague at work causes an unexpected aggressive surge of emotions, for which you then have to repent and longly apologize, smoothing out the conflict.
How to find this small private corner in the system of social and everyday relations, how to find time for yourself, at least for a short time to feel free and young, as, for example, once in the student body?
Very simple.
For this there is a beautiful, unique morning time, which is calculated from the moment of our exit from home and before arriving at your favorite (or not so loved) work. Going out into the street, stop and look around, what a beautiful, good morning. After all, weather conditions are not so important and "nature does not have bad weather." It is important that you and the family with health (!) And in a beautiful (!) Age and mood.

Now about the main thing.
Is your route to work tiresome? Perfectly. You can slightly change it, not in the literal sense, of course - from point A to point B, but in the intermediate. That is, look at what period of your journey to work is most picturesque and pleasant for a walk.

Determined? Well, now drive up to this place, get out of public transport and move towards the goal, but already as a respected pedestrian, before which vehicles stop, giving him the way.
10-15-minute walking tour on the way to work makes it possible to disconnect from the ubiquitous problems, revitalizes and invigorates tired muscles, legs gain elasticity, and to us comes back such previously inaccessible and distant joy of being!

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