A Last Post Before Entering Tonight's Dream Cycle.

in life •  8 years ago 


Been looking at past and going over present. I'm finding I feel in the right place! Always going for the home vibe! Make the community a home vibe as well. Last years have been stressed yet it teaches us about our condition, so that one can change and make situations better. You can find yourself alone and that no one knows how to help you, yet you know you are right and have been misunderstood. Can seem bad yet can be good to find you have a brain and mind of your own that is still open and sensitive. Sometimes feels like you can be therapist that way, yet know it could only be done if you care for yourself first.


Sure it's great to be open and aware, at the same time you see much more of the dis-ease of other people and the culture as a whole. Societal ills and the results. Still how is one to treat a misguided culture unless you can understand it's mass mind psychology. Shrink of the culture for sure! So called Modern Culture needs a makeover big time. Hey it is already there in the Big Time of the Common Person! People get caught up in battles over cultural ideology yet they could care less about that form of politics. We get stuck in the middle of a cultural mess and get told to put up and shut up. Well it's time to rebel, even against the rebels in a manner of speaking or thinking about it I think.



It comes down to telling stories. Who is telling the story and for whom? Language barriers of even our own language. Reminds me of a doc my fam member watched, will have to ask them. Do we pick an attitude or do we adopt an attitude. Can we pick an attitude!? We soak up the culture, just like our family vibes, we pick up stuff from t.v. and social media. It effects how we talk and think. We have to understand these different modes of being, thinking, in language. And how the Western Culture has a visual bias. White man speak in forked tongue. How is it forked. I could have answers yes, yet it may be just as important to ask questions.


This is just ramblings of a hypnagogic state before bedtime. I will be slightly hypnotised when I wake up too! Best time to write! Perhaps will make another post then. Now to commence Dream Cycle!


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Nice and smart work @havok777
It is colorful artwork and good article..
Wel done..

Very interesting !