Made some carrot, cabbage, celery, oranges and ginger juice! Sometimes when you feel the weight of the world one could use a nutrition blast! With that vital food one can think clearly. How to take on the culture and ask a wise teacher question
Well cheerio then, I'm on my own then. But not for long. Must create more. Write more. Build a master piece! A master peace of mind! Jumped through all these hoops and took a shocking. Now I get what I deserve, my reward! A smile on everyones face weather they like it or not. War is over weather you like it or not
Time to cheer up. Time to get chipper. Time to stay cheery in a grumpy world. So I had the urge to listen to the metal band Kittie lately. Don't usually listen to numetal stuff. Turns out their old band mate died recently. I picked up the wave in the akashic realms.
Figuring out the massive mind trips on the brain. All the symbolism the society fed me I am detoxing it. It makes me ill at times but part of the cleansing process. False beliefs in a false economy be gone! We didn't create the situation but we call all act within it. Making sure I don't wear thin in the food or sorts of thoughts. Certain realisations can grind the mind, I want to face these strains and not run. Sometimes you may find things aren't that bad...they're worse!