The comfort zone is a beautiful place , but nothing ever grows there.

in life •  9 years ago  (edited)

The Lifestyle You Ordered

I work as a teacher and a personal trainer and I want to share my thoughts trough my life experience and hopefully make someones day better.

Life is made up of different choices and influences from your friends ,family ,strangers and social media. Everyday you make thoughtful decisions and many decisions you dont even think that much about. What to wear, take the bus to work or walk , what am I gonna make for dinner , and the list goes on and on.

Sometimes you face harder choices and challenges than other. It could be the task of talking to a group of people or sing that song you really wanted to show your friends. The challenges we face and choices we make are countless.
I assume we all have had the feeling of not feeling confident and insecure. Because we don't believe in our own ability to be great.

Only one negative comment from a person can make you change your mind. Through research it has been shown that to balance the scale it takes five positive comment to make up for one negative comment. Think about that the next time you talk to another human being and how hurtful negative comments can be on a person. Remember we are born equal but are shaped differently through our environment and end up on different places in life because of all the choices we make on the road, and unfortunately sometimes forced to take a path we dont want to be on.

We all have different problems and we don't know the story of everyone else. Be humble and don,t judge. I truly believe that good things will come to people who are good to others. Nobody is perfect but if there is a will to do good in your mind, you are definitely living a better life then those who live on negative vibes and actions.

If you are free and not controlled by anyone else then your limitations are only in your head. If you want something, go for it visualize it and dream it. Make a plan for how you gonna come from where you are now and crush the challenge that is in front of you.

If you put yourself outside your comfort zone and really try to make the challenge you are set upon. There is no doubt you can make it. "The comfort zone is a beautiful place , but nothing ever grows there". And once you have accomplished your first goal your confidence will grow. If you believe in yourself and don't bother about the people who says that you cant do it , then you will set yourself free. Surround yourself with people who truly care about you and build you up. If you feel there is no one good around you make a choice and change it. Not tomorrow but now.! There is no more time to waste on waiting for good thing to happen.

Expand your horizon and make the right choices for yourself. It might sound as a cliche but you only live this one life . You don't want to regret all the things you didn't do for yourself and the people around you. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring regarding health and unfortunate circumstances. Nobody have the answer for how to live life and what to believe, you need to find your way.

We all feel we are important in the universe but truly most of us are not. We are not much more than dust in the wind and just merely visiting this blue planet for a short amount of time And it is important to remember that even the people who put you down are nothing but dust. But there is a difference between angel dust and dust after a fire.

Find your confidence and be yourself no matter what. The easiest thing in life is to be a sheep and follow. But hey! if that floats your boat and life is good and you have found your safe haven, that's all good. Just remember you might find something wonderful if you try to expand your horizon.

I cant stress it enough , never ever be afraid to fail . At least you tried !
Learn from it and come back better than the first time.
Life it self is a school and i applaud the people who finds their courage to get out of the comfort zone and challenge them self.

Never stop growing

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Good advice to live by and I try and give out several compliments each day to strangers I meet.