Freedom in the BOX - Part 1

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Part 1: The BOX Defined

The BOX is made up of six sides. Each pair of opposing sides is formed by the religious system, political system and educational systems and were created in the order presented as humankind was developed. There is always an opposing view, teachings or doctrine defining each side of an opposing pair of sides of the BOX.

Top and Bottom sides of the BOX
The top and bottom sides of the BOX are controlled by religions. It does not matter what religion it is, they all use the same basic control principles, and different nomenclature may be used to differentiate the religious entities. They have been around the longest and seem to survive even the harshest government changes. Remember, it is cool to be a martyr for your religion and it is better for the religious entity to survive than you. This is one of the self-preservation methods designed into all religions.

The top side
The top side is determined by Heaven, paradise, bliss, nirvana, happiness, delight, fortune, rapture, cloud nine, dreamland, etc. depending on your religious belief.

The bottom side
The bottom side is determined by Hell, torture, misery, torment, agony, anguish, a nightmare.

These two sides of the BOX have been cleverly designed to keep you, the most valuable resource, centered between them. Some people controlled by these conforms are closer to heaven and some are closer to hell, this is determined by the body of the religion and the typical bell curve application of the majority, this is what they say is normal and right. And the closer to heaven you get the better for the religion. Also, it is supposed to be better for you in the imaginary future, or better yet after you die, because they know you won’t come back and kick their ass for lying to you after you are dead.

All people of faith & belief live their real lives for the gates and hurdles set by religions to enter either of the side of the box.

Note: You as a living person cannot get to either one of the sides of the BOX. I actually do not think they exist, and I am sure not going to die trying to find out!

Left and Right Sides of the BOX
This is controlled by the political systems. Note: Please do not confuse politics with the actual government who supplies services and welfare to its citizenry, although, several times in this book, I may say Government; I am referring to the Political side of it.

Politicians unfortunately control our governments and the method of politics seems to be more important than actually running a good government. In all politics, especially democratic systems and even in communist systems, there are usually always two sides, one bad and one good. Of course they think the opposite of each other and are usually made up of conservative or liberal groups of people.

Depending on the issue, they will swap sides on the issue for political gain or fight over the agreement just to say one party won or lost. In the United States the difference between the two major parties is almost 100% political and not real differences in governance.

The two party systems also helps eliminate any competition for you, the primary resource. The pressure to join either one of the parties is very intense. The last thing they want is for you to go independent or join one of the minority parties. This is one reason that the United States has the electoral system. It will guarantee the existence of the two party system; the left and the right.

If every individual’s vote would be counted, we would end up with thousands of running candidates and thousands of parties and groups running for president. This BOX is now primarily controlled by democratic nations or soon to be democratic nations.

The Right Side of the BOX in the U.S.
The right side is made up Conservative Republicans of which the democrats think they are religious war-mongering, corporate appointed representatives.

The left Side of the BOX in the U.S.
The left side is made up of the Democrats of which the republicans have determined them to be liberal, communist welfare advocates.

Again, these parties represent the political system which runs the Government which assumes your acceptance to be ruled and controlled by them. Since there are usually just two major parties, a person is forced to either join one or abstain from participating in the democratic process. Even by abstaining, it is still assumed that you are controlled by them and are just another resource at the disposal of the politicians. An individual is marginalized to a persona-non-grata status (A person who is no longer favored or welcome). Today, it requires a minimum group size of 10,000 people to be recognized politically. The individual has no say in what happens in today’s democratic government.

The Front and Back sides
The education system manages these two sides. It takes direct input from the two other control systems; Religion and Politics. These two control systems dictate what can and cannot be taught to our children from the time they are born, through walking and talking until they are young adults; approximately 12-20 years of training on how to live your life within the BOX.

What is really interesting about the education control system is that it can teach you all about the current religious and political systems. But students who want to think outside those are relegated to small philosophy classes that train them that wild ideas are great but will never happen. Actually, teaching to live outside those systems is taboo.

And that these systems are morally and ethically right and cannot be challenged. New thinking and extensions of thought are primarily allowed to run freely in the areas of technology, engineering, chemistry and medicine studies.

These can only benefit the control systems and are allowed to advance.

The Front side
The Front side is primarily focused on forward thinking. Training in subject matter that will benefit the control systems.

The Back side
The back side is focused on the study of traditions, history, politics, religion, local language, and other backward looking or fundamental course-ware.

The primary educational system, K-12 grades, has been designed for the slowest children to learn. Very few programs are designed for advanced learners or accelerated learning.

Beyond the 12th grade, the first 4 years of college are basically party years, and what I would call Day-care centers for 18-22 year olds. And after that, they all expect to get great jobs, get married and have 2.5 children; oh, and drive a new BMW.

In reality, the children are trained that the Religious systems and Political systems are really good and good for us. And that we should obey everything they tell us to do even if it does not feel or look right to us.

Again, all the material being trained to you and your children has been censored and filtered for proper content and positioning of all the control systems.

The educational system can also threaten you with dumbness. Now that is ridiculous. If anything is going to make me dumb, it is this education system and their curriculums designed for apes.

So, if you do not go to their educational system, are you dumb? Because you do not have a college degree, you are dumb? According to my standards, the only ones that mean anything, I would be dumb for going to their school and waste 4 years of my life in day-care. Everyone that is taught at these schools are also trained that anyone that does not attend are therefore, dumb.

Overview of the BOX:

This is the oldest control system and crosses over geo-political-educational boundaries. It assumes total authority over the people from a super-natural right, usually given to them from a super-natural power. Of which no one has ever seen witnessed or proven its existence.

Even over government, some religions have successfully blended the two, i.e. Sharia Law/Religion.

It uses fear, violence and possible loss of after-death opportunity to keep you in the BOX. It is a parasite of your resources, finances, time, mentality, family and energy. It has become unpopular in the last 100 years for the church to kill unbelievers, which, I guess, was supposed to help enrollment. The religious system is managed by an elite group of supernaturally ordained leaders with the directive to gather as many resources as possible in the name of the supernatural power (actually, for the survival of the church as an entity, the supernatural power doesn’t see a dime).

These systems come and go every couple of hundred years; it works in concert with the religious system in keeping you in the BOX. All political systems start out to benefit the people but soon after they are started they become special-interest oriented, with self-interest and growth being the primary directives.

The prime directive is to expand government in the name of the people, and to guarantee the survival and existence of the political system and the government it manages.

This system is run by the Political Elite.

“In reality, all western democracies have stable party systems, dominated by elites: together they form what in Italian is called the classe politica. It is extremely difficult to break open this 'political class', from outside: the system is neither dynamic, nor open to innovation. As a result, it is not a force for social and cultural innovation either.”

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This system was created by the other two systems to make sure the people to be controlled are trained on how to be managed, and to properly donate their resources to the BOX.

It also programs into students the expected and appropriate behavior that is accepted by the systems. As western governments became Democratic, it also required a certain amount of intelligence. It also required trillions of dollars from the citizens to finance the political demands and religious needs for growth.

It is easier to get the trillions from high paid rocket scientists, doctors and bankers, than farmers and peasants. So, the BOX needed an education system to pump out higher performing resources.

All of these control systems are “taking” groups; they take your resources, whether it is time, money, or intellectual capital. None of them give; give on a continuous basis, as you do to them. They may give tokens of knowledge, but almost everything they offer you can learn faster and better by yourself or on the job.

Would it not be nice if your government and church and educational institution paid you monthly sums of cash, paid a visit to you a few times a week to see how you are doing, ask you if there is anything they could do to make your life better?

Right…that is what you are doing for them. And, if they do not do that for you, are you allowed to put the fear of god, death, taxes, and stupidity into them! Doubt It!

And remember, you cannot send them to heaven, hell, war, or send them back a grade.

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