My never ending journey

in life •  8 years ago 

My story is the same story we all tell but it's told differently with each new storyteller. I'll start off by introducing myself; Hi my name is Leandre Henry, I was born on January 12, 1992 and I am also an immigrant from Jamaica that came here with my mom, grandmother, and other family relative to better our lives. So my journey begins, and was always taught that education is the 🔑(key) to success so I made my education 📚one of my top priority. So school was a must and listening to MOM 👩was too because learning begins at home. Ok needless to say I was young and dum for awhile 😲 wasn't doing so well in school but mom 👩 never stop influencing me that I need to do good. So I finally straight up and started flying✈ straight and now I was getting honors , good grades, and knew that I want to be successful. Just for the amazing feeling🛀🌄🌌😁 you feel when you accomplish something you set out too do. I never want to forget how that feeling feels so I stay on top of my games 🙌day and night literally. And never stop learning and obtaining new knowledge that I can use to be successful and live a comfortable life🏡, So my NEVER ENDING JOURNEY continues. Now Im in college 🏰 in purse of my career to be a mechanic. With power of education.

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Keep up with your hard work. You will be successful.

Wishing you good luck .