Alrighty then. So the debt based monetary system is structurally sound. Not!

in life •  7 years ago 

According to the central bankers and those that have been able to gain great wealth through it's rigging of most all of the capital markets and the creation of some complex illusions and distractions, the economy is doing okay and is in good hands.
How can that be true when the U S has been going deeper and deeper into debt at the rate of about $1,000,000 a minute for the past 10 years or so. If that isn't the definition of bankrupt I don't know what is. I guess since the Banksters play by rules that no
one else is allowed to play by, that's how they've been able to live in denial or simply just pretend about how they haven't actually bankrupted and taken over this country as well as others. To me it's just a big fat scam sandwich that they always try to make look good, but in reality it's poisonous and extremely destructive.

Needy and impoverished people are way easier to control, and it's even easier to control them when they are consolidated into specific regions, cities and neighborhoods, or incarcerated.
Most of us realize who should be apprehended and put into a hole where the sun don't shine.
Unless they repent their ending will be far worse than the system of hardship and enslavement that they forced upon humanity so they could be in control for awhile.

Defeating your true enemy can be a good thing, but creating a class or groups of people that become fully dependent on you
for their sustenance and oppressing the poor is and always will be a great evil.

Within the current system in which we live there are many groups and classes of people that in some way have been bought off. Some are politicians, some are from the corporate world, people employed by the ever expanding government, and last but not least the growing number of people that are dependent on government social services and the welfare system.
May we all do our best to prepare ourselves for what could eventually be a horrific collapse of this fraudulent and very fragile system. (I.E. the central bankers empire)

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