Red Pill or Blue Pill, Which Would You Choose?steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  7 years ago 


What Would You Do If Given the Opportunity?

I know for sure that I would choose the Red Pill. I have learned so much in my life and the learning never stops. The worst part about all of it is that I would have to go through almost 15 years without internet if my age rolled back to 10. That would be a huge bummer.

Time is so Valuable.

Those 40 years are worth way more than the $10 Million figure. Can you imagine what you could accomplish if you had all that extra time and health available to you? I know I can!

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The blue one would age me back almost 4 years. So that works for me.

Talk about a win/win... 4 years younger and instant millionaire or a smart child...... A little harder decision now.

Indeed, great proposal here, where to get the blue pill? :-)

Lol! Me too. I'd even pro-rate the cash...

red pill with all the knowledge, if i rolled back to 10 years of age with all the knowledge i have right now it would be much more profitable for me.

I think some people would take the blue pill, especially because you never know if you would make the same mistakes again, you made in your lifetime now...

I wouldn't but if you had a really though time in your early 20's and 30's, why wouldn't you fastforward for the easy fix...

Red pill anytime

I would have taken the red pill...knowledge is king :-)

amigo #resteemia at your service

red pill :) @hilarski

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Congratulations @hilarski
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This question I asked few times from myself :) Exceptional question and well explained answer for the given question. Excellent article you just shared.

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I'll take a shot with red pill.

@hilarski - 'Those 40 years are worth way more than the $10 Million figure' you are correct Sir. So, I wish to go back with Red Pill Sir ;)

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Red pill . being 50 is too much. and at that age the spirit is more calm and wise. would be too consistent with money

Red Pill then I will sell everything, live as a poor and buy BTC :D


We choose the same color. great post @hilarski 😊

Of-course my choice will also be red pill. If i dont have the knowledge also. Just all the mistakes i have made till now in the life. That will be more than enough for me. Just want to like my teenage life again and want to enjoy more without worrying for the future or the people around me.

That's a difficult one. I could do a lot of good with 10 million. And It'd be both fun and a hell to do the whole education (or as I like to call it, propagation) thing again. Both would have their experiences in a way ^.^

Definitely friend I am also with the red pill. Yes time is money, with all these Knowledge if I get to start from ten years of age, I can go very far. In my opinion life is much more than money. Thanks for the nice thought, have a great time friend happy steeming.

RED PILL without a doubt. Youth is full of opportunity and all your "parts" work as well.

Blue i

Brilliant and agreed Red Pill it is.. who wants to be old anyways, lets go back and do it all again. Right, Cheers;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The most precious thing a man has is his life. It is necessary to appreciate every day lived.
I would choose red.

Definitely the red pill

"Learn as if you are going to live forever", right guys?

Why would you fast forward to 50 for the money. To me life is about the journey and experience. If I could go back to my 10 year old self with all the knowledge I have now I would simply buy a halfway decent computer and start mining bitcoin :P

Even if you stay at present day and rewind to you being 10 I think I would just go through life being that much more of a hard worker and that much more accomplished.

Good topic

The red pill sounds like a short story I wrote about a man in his sixties having a heart attack and waking up in his 14 year old self. I have a strange imagination.

Red pill.

Invest in bitcoin. Google. Facebook. Boom

Red pill, without doubts.
i can have the same 10 millions and 40 years less.

Red pill for sure.

People of age 49 and poor can easily take the blue pill :v

I will take red pill though

Well if I accept the blue pill it means that I am getting paid 10 million in exchange for 31 years. I am going to pass the blue pill for sure.

Also, I would love to be a 10 year old smartass and suprise people.

I will definitely choose the red pill because the amount of knowledge childern getting at 10years old can definitely change the world and i wish was part of that exploring stage.

Red pill. I could probably make more than $10 million with a restart!

Great post @hilarski thanks for very good sharing
upvote and following updates...

You are right bro

No pill. Enjoy the ride and I will wait to be 50. I do not want to skip the fun part.

The blue pill: because to reinitiate my life from the age of 10, would be to lengthen my life too much, and I would rather have 50 years and 10 million dollars, which would serve me to live well in what remains to me.

Thanks for sharing @hilarski


RED Pill!!!


I don't know about being 10 and unable to do anything w/o parents. 18 to me would be better, I can act in what I know w/o hindrance.

This is'not hard choise. With this knowledge and going back being 10 year old you could be billioner by age of 10 years and few days LOL

definitely going with red pill, as knowledge empower everything and better extra life gives you more oppotunity to make all things later you have to done,
thanks for sharing.

i think the answer will be red pill like everyone because everybody wants to be child again...

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I have trouble with pondering such

But, with little doubt, the blue pill...

To know the years ahead, would be totally ruined, knowing exactly when all the beautiful people would leave my life via death, and otherwise.

Yes, the blue pill...Of course, blue would mean investing a significant amount in STEEM, thus becoming an instant whale..;+)


This is a tough decision! I am taking the red pill! I strongly believe in myself and the knowledge I have acquired over the years. Even though I am only 26 right now I think it would be much more beneficial than fast forwarding 24 years. I am confident I will have more than $10 million by the age 50.

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Good post @hilarski. thanks for sharing

I will take a red pill.

Well I guess I would take the red pill. I could fix a lot of mistakes. Take advantage of buying APPL at pennies, the 1987 crash, the dot com rally and crash, and the short the heck out of the housing crash. Also Bitcoins in 2009. I could follow Warren Buffet from his early days. Oh and save all the junk silver I can get my hands on just by going to the bank and asking for half-dollars with my paper money. I would have to get a job at 10 years old so I can do such things. Yep, I can mow lawns at 10. I could even start reading the Bible at 10. Now you got me all excited and they all ready ran out of red pills.

I would choose the red pill as well. Probably could make more than $10 million long before I hit age 50 with the knowledge I have.

Well to precise it is indeed tough decision
but i will try out the Red Pill ;)

Great post! Thanks for sharing man :)


I choose the red one .....

i would definitely go with red pill.

hahah what to do :O

I would have taken the red pill...knowledge is king

I would like to return in 2012 and buy 10 bitcoins. No, 20 bitcoins !!! at a price of 30 -40 dollars.:)


Red pill, money can't buy wisdom.