Why cats are Zen Masters and what we can learn from them Part I

in life •  6 years ago 


“I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of them cats.”
― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment     

What is Zen? (in case you don´t know yet) 

Zen is a School of Buddhism that originated in China. Unlike Christianity or Islam, words and concepts can´t be used to explain Zen, the reason for this simultaneously the most important insight. The majority of humans develops a “false” perception of their own being. The mind, instead of being used as a too becomes our identity. Concepts and words are part of the labeling and identifying. The focus alternates between the past and the future. This state is unhealthy and takes you further away from enlightenment. The main tool to dis-identify from the brain and become aware of the present moment is meditation.   

So, what is it about cats? 

Everyone who lives with a cat surely, already became witness of certain, special qualities. Which brings up the wish of changing for a day with your four-legged friend, and live a life consisting of playing, cuddling and sleeping. Instead of a day of constant distraction and hard work. Obviously, this is not a matter of choice, but instead of changing with your cat, you can learn from them.

 It is quite easy to see that cats don´t know a lot about Zen Buddhism, but that doesn´t mean they don´t know how to live accordingly. What is meant by that is, that they don´t suffer under the burden of obsessive/compulsive conscious mental activity like most humans. You can even see their peace of mind.   

5 Learnings    

1. The Power of Being Alone

Before you get to attached to the word alone, (and don´t agree because you don´t want to be a loner) let me explain  what I mean by that. Distraction is pollution to your mind, but the thing about distraction is, it distracts you from this negative follow-up. Every time you check your phone or surf the web you get this small dopamine shot which makes you want to refresh again. This is not your fault; social media is built to get you hooked. Besides the possible consequences like social anxiety and depression, your mind loses the ability to be alone. Activities that don´t provide a constant stream of novelty and excitement don´t provide pleasure anymore. If we are alone, without our phone, media, or people we feel that we miss something. But the teachings of Zen tell us that all there is, is already inside of everyone, so these beliefs keep you from that realization. Just as cats like to be close to their human friends but don´t need to, you should be able to enjoy the time you spent with yourself and the interactions with your family and friends can just add to this joy but can´t take it. Lastly it is required to apply the second learning. (P.S. people that get instantly bored alone are also often not much more exiting in a group)  

 2. The Power of Focus 

If you cleared your mind of needless urges and distractions, you can start with the second step. I once had a cat that used to hunt moles. (yes... the world is a rough place) It was exiting to watch her, not the fight, or her moves, but her focus. Ready to jump she waited for hours in front of a molehill, not moving keeping her eyes fixated and with complete attention.  

So, sitting in front of a molehill will bring me anything? 

Not really but focus certainly does and I distinguish between 2 interconnected outcomes. 

First: Focus brings you success! (yes, my cat was a successful mole-hunter) There is an anecdote of a dinner party with Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. The guests where asked to note down one word to answer the question “What is the secret to success?”. Both businessmen had the same answer, "FOCUS". Buffet bought his first share with 11 and for decades to come this was the focus in his life and he became one of the greatest investors ever. Gates started programming in his early teens and his intense focus lead to the famous success story.  

Second: Focus will help you to find meaning! Success without purpose isn´t fulfilling, but also here focus  makes the difference. Most people have different things that drive them, for some it is running for others the church. Science suggests that we are not born as a runner or a religious person, it is what we focus on. By running every day, (you not just get great health) you  find meaning in what you are doing. For some people selling and buying stocks seems boring and insignificant but if you focus on that, you will get more pleasure doing this than from the money it earns you.  Also, outside the business world, every action and interaction gains value if you focus on it.  

Stay updated, Part II coming soon!

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