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RIP youtube

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Agreed, btw I love BAT, do you use the brave browser?

Agreed, btw I love BAT, do you use the brave browser?

I can’t read period.

New channel here:

When it comes to women, I have dailysex.... i mean dyslexia

youtube is dead

Just insert some Steem...Get all kiiiiiinds of answers...

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these guys. women get all the gains!!!!!

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women like to be manhandled just dont be soft and youll be good

Lol .Women are a wonderful gift for us men.

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No one can read women. Thats like trying to walk a tighrope in a hurricane.

Not really true, girlfriend material is hard to read. Sluts on the other hand are pretty straight forward..

Yeah you've got a point! It's all about getting your brain your body and your business right. Then you can move on to the fourth B... bitches.

Women are slaves of out society. Most of the time they behave in the same way as it society tells them. Man too - they buy flowers, cars to impress, expensive clothes to look better

1:46 The idea of procreation with a person I haven't befriended is unsettling to me, but that's subjective and I withhold that judgment for people who think differently about it. However, I haven't any experience with this subject mainly due to lack attempt to lose my virginity. When I see the problems other people face in their relationships it doesn't make me want do be in one.

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