Being the First born, How they force responsibilties on you

in life •  7 years ago 


being the eldest child is a blessing and given responsibility constantly can see the child "having more in common with adults rather than their peers. They can also internalise that in order to be loved/accepted that they need to work hard and be responsible.
As the years have gone on, I believe the disadvantages of being the eldest have presented themselves more. I'm admittedly still quite needy. There's no doubt about it, I was the centre of attention and I always liked that alone time with my parents.

Expectaion from parent are much higher set for the first born is much higher than the other younger siblings.which means your parents are probably expecting you to be the best example you can be for the rest of your brothers and sisters. This requires you to always make sure your grades are the highest they can be, no getting in trouble in school, participating in all the extracurriculars your parents involve you in, and basically be the golden child so your siblings can follow in your footsteps.f47fcfb24d2a2a876cf8cae52d0186133b80069855619d269b4c52bf7fc8f0ac.gif

Parents are very strict to the first born, i could remember where i had to wake up early to keep the environment clean and my younger ones will still be sleeping.

You also weren’t allowed to watch certain movies until you were of age, and don’t even mention dating because the rules for that were enforced with a stern "no" and there was no rebutting it.
you got beating for every mistake you did, if my younger ones and I went out to play,I got beating from my parent why the others won't be touch at all.
Because you’re the oldest and the leader of the clan, your parents always have an eye on you, so trying to get away with something is like trying to find the Bermuda Triangle — pretty much impossible.

getting into trouble with the younger ones will make me have more severe punishment compare to others.
Because you’re the oldest, you should know what’s wrong and what’s right, “you should know better” is the phrase your parents use when you get caught doing something you’re not supposed to.

sometimes you discover that some of your wears(dress and shoes are gone),
Don’t be surprised if one day you walk into your closet and find a good portion of your clothes gone. Also, don’t be surprised either when you see your sister or brother wearing your favorite shirt or your favorite pair of jeans because according to your mother “you never wear it anymore so, let your sister have it.”

Your younger ones copy every and single steps you take and from the process leads you to be cautions of not taking wrong steps to lead them wrong.
The way you dress, the way you speak, the places you hang out, anything you can think of, your siblings will most likely copy you. This means that they’ll also want to be cheer captain, soccer manager, student council secretary, etc. This also means that if you try to disobey your parents or get away with something, your siblings will try to do that too and that won’t end well for anyone. determined to do well in life, my siblings will hopefully be determined to do well also. If I am a respectable individual, they will desire respectability. Not only does this pressure keep me in line, but it keeps my younger ones inline.
I am beginning to discover what it means to have confidence and independence in moderation. Confidence can be beneficial in the sense that it permits you to say what you mean and mean what you say without worrying too much about the judgment of others. Confidence and independence also allow me to present myself in a genuine manner.
I clear the path for my siblings in hopes that they learn from my illustration. I still have a five year plan. Whether it will come to play in my life is completely out of my hands, but I don’t worry about it too much. Life will go on and probably surprise me as it does each day.

I still think it's the best feeling in the world to feel needed and important to your siblings.

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Good post

I feel the responsibilities of a first child through your post. God always has a way of making ways for every first child. Thanks for posting this. I now know how every first child feel.