Once upon a time..

in life •  8 years ago 

Once upon a time.. I was born. Then I opened my eyes for the first time. Next, I started to grow. Before long I took my first step and started walking(little under a year I think it took).

After a few years I started talking in complete sentences, and could understand most of what I was told. Then kindergarten.
Then school.
That lasted about 10 years before I was told that I wasn't smart enough to enter high school.
Then I was sad. THEN!!! I took another year, someplace else. After a little while studying there I realized, that this was the best thing that had ever happened to me. New friends, new opportunities and a new life. I became much smarter, I met new very friends(very good friends I might add) and I finally earned myself the ticket to high school. Also somewhere in between there, I visited Paris as a field trip. Fun time, although the Mona Lisa was disappointing.

High school was.... something. First things first, I got more and more into school and into becoming smarter. Especially within the science area. New friends, again. Although most of the time went well, on my second year, I became very lazy. BUT that didn't matter since I've always thought that time is overrated. There is always time to do the things you want to. Also, somewhere in between there I visited Budapest. That's a city in Hungary. Capital city, actually.

Then high school was over. Now it was time to serve, but before that I had to wait 6 months. What was I doing leading up to the end of those 6 months you say?
NOTHING. Not proud of it, but that's the truth. Moving on.

2014, 3 February. Time to serve. One hell of a ride. I'll spare you with the details, so here is the conclusion of my 4 months serving as a private. Conclusion: Horrible. I got an C2, which is basically them saying, you're an OK guy, but you're useless. Get out, we don't need you. Good times.

Next, College. University of Copenhagen. First year went very smoooooth, until Algorithms. Everything started to go down hill from there. Studying Computer Science btw. It wasn't the fact that it was hard, it was the fact that I had become EXTREMELY lazy. Maybe it was the fact that I was introduced to games about 4 months earlier. I did play a lot of games. Anyway, I definitely did not improve my second year, that is for sure. Games games games, that was the only thing in my head. When to get home, so I can play this game, or this game OR EVEN THIS GAME. dafuq was I thinking.

Third year of college. Things started to improve slowly. SLOoooOOoooOOooowlyy, but still improving. Don't judge. I took it easy with gaming, and stared focusing a little more on studying.

Half-way through third year. Started to get lazy agaaain, SHIT!!! FUCK ME!!! WHY ME WHY! Fuck it I said. It will get better.
It didn't, you know why? Because a new game had just released. Dark fucking souls 3! Played it, while shitting on my homework. There was so much shit on my homework. MY god... so much shit. Well, aaaaafter DS3, things was improving.
Now I had to focus on my bachelor thesis. I thought: FUCK yea I'm gonna own this shit. Little did I know, "this shit" had other ideas. In conclusion 3 months later and only 1 month to deadline: fml. Then I grabbed my balls, and said these words:
Let's do this. Week later: ..................
3 weeks until deadline: THAT'S IT! I'M DONE, while grabbing my computer and stared searching for information regarding my thesis topic.

Deadline: YEEEEEEEESSSS, I did it. But it could have been better. WELL, you should have thought about that before you started shitting all over it.

Here we are: Only one week til I have to defend it, and I've been introduced to crypto currencies. Well actually that happened 3 weeks earlier, but who cares. Tomato tomato. After looking at different charts and studying many different coins, I had 1 though. WHY DAFUQ DID NOONE TELL ME ABOUT CRYPTO CURRENCIES BEFORE!!! fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Why God WHY!!!
Screw it I said. Better late then never. I invested 1000$ on coins I found interesting.

Now. Well now I've been introduced to steem. Steem is interesting because you get paid by writing interesting stories.
I thought, wow why not:D I quickly created a user, but had to wait 3 days for a password:|

3 days later: Finally, time for submitting a story! 5 min later.
Fuck, dafuq am I going to write about. I didn't know.

12:18 AM 15 June 2017, current time: I don't know what to write about so I'll leave you with this:
One day, I am going to write something amazing. You wait! I will become the wizard of steemit. No one will be able to match my skillz. Until then, I leave you with the following picture:

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