Alive& kicking: You're not old, you're just lying to yourself

in life •  7 years ago 

Well, it's that time of the year again, with the presents and the candles and the birthday, yes, that's right.
Today, I have turned the grand age of 19. Now, I know what you're thinking – hey, that's not old. And you'd be right, in theory. But to me, it seems monumental. The fact that I'm suffering a horrible cold and am reduced to drinking tea (seriously, I used to drink my birthday in...with alcohol! Last night, it was tea) does not help my mood.
Birthday girl, partying hard

I used to be 17, you know? And 18....where did the time go? Couldn't tell you. What's weird is that you don't imagine “kids” like me think this way – that we ever go 'shit, I'm old', and maybe we shouldn't – but we do...
I mean, obviously, at 40 or 60 or pretty much any other age, being 18 or 19 sounds like being a baby. You're so young, what have you got to complain about?

Well, this and that, pretty much like everyone else – at any age. A lot of good, some bad, you know, the usual...But I'm worried, just like a woman who's just turned 50. Or any other age. I am not 17 anymore, it's a very real issue. And this is a defining moment in my life, it's the time where I'm supposed to create long-lasting relationships, to make it in a business of my choosing, etc.

My God, you know how much I think about that? And not just me, I see it in my friends, too. This is supposed to be the time of our lives, our best point, when we look the best and all that. We want to maximize it, to live it and enjoy it and make sure we don't waste it. Good Lord, you know how scary that idea is to most of us?

Well, I suppose you do, since you probably feel the same. Whatever age you are at. Isn't that what the fear of being old means? Sure, there's that old fear of death thing, and it's true for many people. Many people are afraid of that moment when they stop existing, but what I think is even more terrifying is not living your life, not making memories while you can.
And I think that terrifies anyone, at any age.

Think about your most recent birthday, what thoughts went through your head? Weren't they the same old ones – Oh, I'll try to not waste my life, but what if I am, oh I'm not as young as I used to be, what if I'm fading etc?
These bastards plague us all.
You're not old, you're not fading. I'm old at 19 – absurd, right? So is every sentence of this type. Age doesn't make you old.
The only time you're truly old is when you've run out of batteries

You become old when you give up on life, when you stop living your dreams and doing what makes you happy, when you give up the fight. Next time you think about getting old, ask yourself how many happy things you've done in the past 6 months, when was the last time you had a good laugh, how you're going to make a difference in the world, from now on, stuff like that. It might help you more.

Make sure you're still in the fight.

There are no old people. At least, not in the traditional sense. They're more advanced in age, yeah, true. But not old in the sense of frail old people, sitting in front of the fire with some knitting. Age is a state of mind, and what matters is how you feel up here * taps forehead *.

So, I guess I've answered my own question – my fear that I'm getting old. Fuck that, I'm still in the fight and I've got a long way to go.

So cheer up and pour yourself a glass. This one's on me.

Books&wine - me in one pic

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Have a fabulous birthday superstar :-)
Age is but a number, I'm 51 but doing my best to age disgracefully ;-)
You've got a lifetime to do everything you want to do.
Stick a drop of medicinal brandy in that tea and party like tomorrows never going to come :-)
Best wishes, health and happiness to you :-) x

Ha, I definitely will! Live in the present, but I also want tomorrow to come, too, I want to see what it brings.
Thanks! The same to you :)

tomorrow doesn't bring anything, you go and get it ;-)

That's true, I know :) I think I meant something like I want to see what it offers, but you're right and I know it's all up to me ;)

The world has changed so much since I was your age. It is a state of mind. I look in the mirror and ask, where did I go? lol I may look like a wrinkled old lady to some folks, but when I look into my mirror with my rose colored glasses on I see the 25 yr. old babe. :) If we aren't learning and growing everyday, we may as well crawl in a hole. Go for it! Happy Birthday to you and many many more

I totally agree - age isn't real, it's in the head and that's all that matters. Thank you very much! :)

I empathise with all of these feelings! It doesn't get any easier with age either (I'm 24, and feel practically ancient) I think these feelings are routed in societies obsession with youth. The masses praise anyone who's successful, talented and young, more so than their older contemporaries. (just look at child prodigies).

Enjoy being 19! :)

Yes, I guess it's a society thing...
Thanks! :)

My dearest honeydue, I'm really slow... blame it on the grey hairs :) Belated happy birthday wishes to you, hope you're over the cold and your batteries are recharged again! I like how you put it, 'more advanced in age' sounds so much better!
But you're right, turning one year older feels very old no matter whether you're 10 or even 80!
I'm almost 65, quite a disgrace my late uncle would have said to me (he was a ballet dancer, very vain; went to great lengths to look good at all times as he said his face and body is his product!) Will tell his story one day but he was a fine example of living life to the fullest.
Sure you will enjoy this amazing Poem about 'What matters'.
Wish you the very best!

Thank you, dear @lizelle! Yes, I am recovered now, although there is the odd cough now and then. Yes, it's a weird feeling.
You should definitely write about your uncle, he sounds like quite the character. And I do agree about looking good, although I don't think your body is your product...But I do think it's a mindset thing that if you look good (by your own judgement, of course), you'll be more confident and feel good, too.
Thank you, I loved the poem!
Have a nice day! :D

Will tell his story one of these days; take care of yourself :)

You too! :)

Motivational post, really I have motivated reading your post. Yes always I am young person and I can overcome any obstracle of our life. no person will hold me. I will move with struggle.

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