
in life •  7 years ago 

What is time
What we all waste
What we misuse
What we don't even put to use sometimes
You can make a change within a second
You can destroy a destiny also within a second
How can time have such a big effect
Time is important
There is time for everything
"Ecclesiastes 3:1-7"
Even in ones life time must be used well and not be misused
Within few minutes souls can be won
Within few minutes a soul can be lost
Before you say time think about what you do within a second
Within a minute
Within one hour
Within a day
Within a week
Within a year
That can affect you or anyone positively one negatively before saying time
And then make your choice
If it's the negative result or positive result you want
Then you'll know the true meaning of time

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In my faith, time is the change which have been given by God to us to use to do right.

In Al Quran Verse 103 (Ashr/time) God was swear by time
1.By time,Indeed, 2.mankind is in loss,3.Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.