Deep despair ! And how it changed my life

in life •  9 years ago 

“When I was in the 11th grade my father went missing, leaving my mother, brother and I to fend for ourselves. A few years later, my mother was detected with cancer and at that point in time my life was in turmoil. We managed to get the funds for her treatment but what we didn’t have was knowledge of multiple schemes which could have helped us.

During her treatment at the KEM hospital,Mumbai,India there were many families like mine which were from weaker financial backgrounds but in the time of need we would help each other out by sharing medicines and sometimes a wholesome meal. When I would skip class to look after my mother, the doctors or other families there would tell me to go and study and look after her — that’s where I realised that compassion for others is the only way forward. 

When my friends and I would travel up and down from college by train, I started to play the guitar for them because it made me feel happier. I’ve never learnt professionally, but the sound of my own music made me feel free. This one man enjoyed my songs so much that he paid me money to encourage my talent…and that’s when the idea first struck me. I could play the guitar on the local and raise money for cancer patients and their families. The very next day, I decided to take my music to my mother and when I played for her she had the biggest smile on her face. In fact, I played for the other families as well and slowly I felt that they all seemed happier with more positivity — since then I would play for them everyday.

In 2014, my mother relapsed and passed away. Those first few months were terrible…she was my everything, and with my brother working abroad I felt more alone than I ever had before. I would go to work at a Pharma company, but I was unhappy until a few months later in 2015 I decided that I wanted to have a purpose and make a difference. 

I picked up my guitar again and everyday to and from work I would sing in the train, collect money and give it to an NGO which looks after cancer patients with limited needs. Every other day I’m at ward number 42 in KEM hospital where the doctors are so helpful and kind. If a family urgently requires funds I would make extra trips on trains to raise it for them. A few months ago, I gave up my job and started focusing on my music and live shows…Apart from the little bit I need to survive, everything else goes to these patients. 

So that’s my story - I make music, spend a lot of my time in hospital wards and live all by myself in the city…but alone as I am, never before have I felt closer to my mother— this is all for her.”

 As told to be my Saurabh nirwakar 

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