RE: Why freelancing is harder than people think

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Why freelancing is harder than people think

in life •  7 years ago 

Hey there, I totally understand how you're feeling, as I am a freelancer myself. While all points you made are valid, I'd like to add one of my own: vacations or holidays. I can never get away from home/work as much as I want to and that feeling that work is piling up and clients are waiting can totally ruin your "break".
I wouldn't change freelancing for anything in this world, though.
Regards and keep up the good work!

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Great point, thanks for pointing it out. There are a lot of downsides but I didn't want to mention more to not make this article boring. Glad you said it, so people can see it! And you're right, whenever I take a break or I stop working for a few days, I get the feeling that my work is suffering and that I'm not doing enough. That happens especially on weekends when I don't work as much and I just imagine how I'm losing money and my work is degrading because of me losing time doing something else. Thanks for the comment! :)