SO, I saw Jesus Last Night....

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

No, Really.

College street and Church, Downtown Toronto!

Pictured: This may have been the scene a little earlier! #didjesusevenlift

First, I saw a bunch of students all dressed up in various costumes come out of a condo entrance where I was relaxing and having a Cafe latte from 7-11.

English Toffee!

$1.14 cents.

Pictured: 7-11 Latte. Be sure to check it is not watery first!


I had asked the scruffy and a bit frizzled street person at the door if he wanted one:

He had quickly jumped up and held the door for me.

He must have preferred something else as he refused in a rather upbeat voice.

He has other preferences I am sure.

Just like I drink #Jimmy's coffee or, #PageONECafe or (my wallet shudders as if Michael Myers was about to slit its skinny neck!) STARBUCKS, when I am on "full wallet" status, so too, the drug/alcohol addiction sufferer in Toronto, goes in waves.


Starbucks is not the best coffee by the way.

If you think that, you have not really experienced coffee from a variety of venues.

Here is a feel for Jimmies.

Pictured: James "Jimmy" Dean: One of the famous Jimmy's that grace the cover of T-shirts, various other merch and of course, the whole side of the odd outside wall!

I'm sure that the street guy holding the door, his eyes widen when he sees a nice, big bottle of Cutty Sark for example!

I didn't much care what the brand of alcohol was when I was pounding a mickey or a litre while I was still isolating by myself.

Health Scientist/#biohacker: a person who studies human health and experiments on themselves and others in an effort to improve quality of life!

I guess thats a good description of me.

Can't speak for any other "health scientists" though.

Yep, thats me.

I have seen all the different sides and angles of the human condition: no wonder I have a unique perspective on this thing called life.

Physical and mental.

So, Just like I used to drink vodkas of all kinds,


I drink coffee of all kinds.

When I'm strapped for cash, I roll into 7-11: and when it's time to pull yourself out of the gutter and sign a good 6 month contract, it's time for Jimmy's!

The guy that was holding the door earlier, he does the same type of thing.

When he is broke, he gets cheap wine.

When times are good he grabs some CC.

The only difference is, He didn't meet the guy from the picture at the top @church right after!

I did.

#Jesusintoronto, yes verily, the man OF the ORIGINAL CLOTH!

Pictured: Jesus, Strolling with LCBO goodybag. The best for last!

I had seen him come out at the very end of the original condo exit parade, and, all the other people got in a kerfuffle!

"Jesus!, Lord!" they cried out as he carried his Liquor control board goodie bag in one, pure and gracious hand.

Later, I myself cried out to the #jackedsonofjehovah!

"Lord!" ..."Jesus!" I yelled after I had unlocked my bike and rode wildly like Jehu

Pictured: Jehu was a biblical king who rode like a madman!

Ok, I rode sedately....there was a cop car cruising along in front of Maple leaf Gardens, now called the Mattamy Center, OK!?!

I watched Wendell Clarke Exit that building, circa 20 years ago after his last "game of honour" after he fully skated off into retirement.

Its a Gorcery store and a University Training/Athletic Center now.


I clattered on my wheeled steed down College street to Church where, as if by a miracle, he had walked with the black angel-girl with the classic halo that looked like it may have been made with a wire and a white toilet brush!

She was not in the mood for pictures it turned out.

"Lord!! JESUS!"

"Can I trouble you for an instagram shot?"

Who would have thought that I would be able to offer a homeless man a latte, who would refuse free food because he was full and then flag down JESUS!

So, Jesus stopped and blessed me with a couple of shots with my crappy old Alcatel Fierce XL: almost as big as his delts!

#jesus 2.0 - upgraded physique.

And later on, I saw the guy at 7-11 walk in and buy a box of stale cookies, and a latte.

See, miracles do happen and not all coffee is as it seems!

#Jesusmustworkoutnow #jackedjesus #halloween #jimmyscoffee #Jimmys #Hoffa #jesusoncollegestreetintoronto #jehu #jesusintoronto #Coach_fusion

#bike #cycle #halloweentoronto #costumes #toronto

#love #kindness #humour #satire #riddleoflife #whowerethesages #whatdoesitallmean #time

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I believe in God and I do not like the parody of Jesus

So do I, I was raised in a particulary small religion. While I no longer follow any particular precepts, I believe in a God and I also believe in Consciousness and I'm a health scientist. I am sorry you did not like it. I found his costume awesome and my bodybuilding background brought it out:) I was in no way trying to be offensive:)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I saw gay Jesus, it bothered me. I have open mind like you my friend . My company

Actually, he was kids from Ryerson U...his gf was dressed up as an angel:) Checking out that link!

Sent you a pm:)