If I am a partay animal all the time, will that be bad for my health?

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Pictured: Sundays at Bahia bar, Lagos Portugal. I rarely drank but once in a while, I would have a beer or a sangria with the other bar staff who hung out there each week.

Hmm, how often do we see alcohol appear in nature, with zero meddling from humans.

ok, once in awhile?

Well, it for sure is not available in north america without someone knowing how to ferment or at least have a pile of apples that they don’t need to eat.

Cider can get you wrecked if you let it get all fizzed out: no I don’t recommend, but I did drink some when I was a kid with my cousin when we came back from a canoe trip before everyone else and wow, we got buzzed because it had been in the back of the fridge for a few weeks I think haha!

Anyway, alcohol is not something that your Mitochondria have a super awesome plan for when it comes to which energy pathway should be utilized for this super-double sugar (7 kcal per gram vs 9 for fats and only 4 per gram for simple sugars and carbs)

So, Any substance that has to be “redoxed” takes ATP power.

Alcohol needs to be Reduced.

It takes energy and lots of it.

This stuff is not bro-science and it can’t be “understood” from reading a twitter bite.

It took me two full years to get to what I would call “Junior High School level” quantum biology… (and I am a trained researcher in health science with a longtime background OBSERVING human metabolism in hundred of my own test subjects.

Dr Kruse: Well, he is a real Quad degree doctor…so I am honoured to be passing on his ideas and protocols.


Video: I give a breakdown and fill in a lot of stuff so you can get a “compressed” view of a lot of stuff that might just intrigue you to go down the rabbit hole…and optimise your health!

So, when I was doing all the diets for people…Something was always missing.

But, with the rosetta stone given by Dr Kruse, Dr Wunch, Dr Wallace and Dr Ted…it's safe to say, I will have the rest of my life taken up studying what they are teaching and it will only be scratching the surface of this new and emerging science.

Quantum Molecular Biology.

So far it's a handful of people I have practiced it on…and they all had significant results.

80 year old couple - down combined 70+ lb in 5 months.

No exercise, no counting calories, NO calorie restriction.

So, no diet, no counting calories (if only I had known how stupid this is!) AND, no picking your “eating style” due to your moral beliefs.

Ok, you CAN, and I have zero to say..except if you don’t eat real fish, or at the very least the oil from fatty cold water fish…you will eventually get sick over time and have a terrible old age if you even get there…does it happen to everyone?

NO…because, like me some of them have stumbled on the right eating patterns for where they live and what their Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup is..and they tend to be in smaller populations and not use technology too much AND they spend a pile of time outside from sunrise to sunset in many cases.

Remember: sometimes we like to have a problem. It gets us attention.

Sometimes we have a problem and it lets us hide. Isolate.

Centenarians (the people I was talking about that live a long and PAIN FREE life..and die with a smile on their face: they all have stuff in common and the ones I listed are in there.

They also lead...

Lives of Ritual and Routine!

So, if you tend to drink a lot, look into why.

Drinking A glass of wine at night with a cigar on the back porch is a habit of many that live to old age.

They didn't chug the wine.

They didn't taste 4 kinds so they could have 4 glasses and say "I'm a connoisseur" as they drink the rest of the bottle because "we can't let that go to waste..and, there is not enough left for another glass.

Booze is the triple headed Hydra (my name for it)


It stimulates all three “drug seeking” pathways in your brain.

So, no matter what your drug of choice was for example - you enjoyed crack the most.

That’s a dopamine freak.

That’s what I was.

I just made my own kind of “hillbilly” adderall and I never bought street drugs.

Now, if someone that quits crack goes and drinks…it releases dopamine too!

So, eventually, the person drinks himself/herself back onto the crack.

So, cut down on your drinking. Can’t say as you can cut down? You have a problem.

Else, why would this question need to be asked?

ok. here is the short answer - decreased ATP production because your body is having to use an incredible amount of energy to keep your liver functioning and the sugar also exacerbates your insulin sensitivity ABOVE about 3–6 standard OZ of alcohol depending on the individual. Decreased ATP output = dehydration, decreased “redox” potential because it takes ATP to Reduce or chemically break down the booze..just like any other pills and prescription medications. P450 pathway see? No?

So, more than 3 beers a day and you are treading on thin ice if you are already metabolically challenged (ie. do you have: diabetes, high blood pressure, liver stress, chronic inflammation, joint degeneration, soft tissue damage (knees, shoulders etc.) and/or osteoporosis) these are all signs that you are “vampiring” your own semiconductive tissues to gain the energy you need for repairs to the vital parts you are damaging from overconsumption.

Kinda like when you take a high dose of any medication…it's all about the PPP and the p450 liver pathway and Ubiquitination.

Nope, I did not know what those were/meant either.

And I slept through university and got good marks when I was half baked on drugs I concocted to make me able to study long and hard and work crazy hours at the same time!

They did not and won’t be, teaching this stuff in University or Doctorate courses for at least another 15 years.

Unless they find a way to tax the sun, grounding, passive “electron snacking” via nature connection, cold thermogenesis + positive mental attitude.

Did you know that Gratitude increases dopamine significantly?

It’s good to say thanks for stuff.

Oh, and, even though it’s free…nobody does it because it’s like taking a 4 year University degree and everyone thinks they are dumb because our school system sucks in general.

Anyone can learn it.

It just takes time.

Yep, that thing everyone tells me they have none of.

As they are degrading in front of my eyes. They know it too.

But, I have had people start saying stuff like:“well, I don’t want to live to be old” -


You have to be low dopamine to have an attitude like that. zero ENERGY.

If thats your attitude by the way, I would quit drinking.

Living an Optimized Life - no monetary affiliation. Go and type in “liver disease” or alcohol.

But click on the “getting started” guide first.

Almost forgot - end of the day, if you are not making enough ATP, your on your way to heart attack or some type of circulatory problem because you can’t generate enough negative charge between your red blood cells and the arterial walls.

Negative repels negative…no charge..they stick together and clump.

I could go on about how alcohol keeps you from delta sleep...but that might be taking it too far as I am super excited even if one person makes it this far...



Cf - 2017 Gimme an upvote, a resteem and ask anything you like in the comments. I love questions.

People on quora were shy at first too:)

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Hi Eric,

Very nice to "meet" you here on Steemit. Thanks for stopping by my blog and appreciating my poetry.

This article of yours is very interesting, I'm listening to Dr. Kruse while typing here...

I would like to learn more about the non-diet diet you mentioned. My wife has some health issues, and I would love to lose some weight and "fix" some things. We're in our late 60's / early 70's...



Wow! My first reply on a unique health article. Thanks and I am pleased to offer anything I can to help out. Two of my parents friends who are in their 80's implemented what I passed on to them a while back. They are down a combined weight of over 70lb. She just road a 65km bike trail with her grandkids.... On www.jackkruse.com... Click on getting started guide and type in something you are looking for info on. Hit me with a dm anytime as well. No question is too silly :)

Thank you, Eric...

I've been listening to Jack Kruse on sleep in the background while working...

I really appreciate your reply, and I'll check out that "getting started" guide...
