How To Make You Procrastinate - Is Your Procrastination Making You Unemployed?

in life •  3 years ago 

When you make you procrastinate, you are actually engaging in the very act that makes you procrastinate. The more you postpone your actions the more likely you are to feel overwhelmed, guilty, and overwhelmed. It takes time to accomplish certain tasks and it makes sense to make the process as easy as possible. When you make you procrastinate, you turn everything into a huge struggle and this will translate into all of the negative emotions that come with it such as stress, anxiety, and depression. If you believe that these emotions are something negative then you are wrong.

One of the main reasons why people procrastinate is because they associate failure with their perfectionism. Perfectionists believe that they are always right and the sooner they achieve it, the better. Unfortunately, this also applies to accomplishing anything worthwhile so they feel guilty if they delay. It is important to take a step back and realize that there's plenty of room to get it done and still come out on top.

People who suffer from perfectionism often avoid any type of imperfection, thinking that they'll end up being hated for their actions. However, perfectionists have an uphill battle even before they begin. They must overcome their fears of rejection of their own abilities. This is often referred to as avoidance. Avoidance can be one of the main reasons why people procrastinate, because they don't want to deal with imperfections.

Another cause for procrastination comes from our moods. When we are pressured or faced with a stressful situation our brains releases chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters. One of the chemicals released is serotonin which causes a light and relaxed mood. This is great when dealing with a difficult task but it becomes dangerous when avoiding work because of a bad mood. It can result in your not completing a task at all, or getting too little done.

Dr. Campbell found out that perfectionists have below normal levels of dopamine. The good news for those with this mental problem is that it can be cured. You won't become perfect overnight, but it is possible to manage your brain so that it works more efficiently. Dr. Campbell teaches "How to Make You Procrastinate Less" and "What is Academic Procrastination?" His program "The Truth About Procrastination" can be purchased on DVD and also in book format.

If you are like most people, putting things off has become a habit. The habit consists of putting things off, which usually results in not accomplishing anything. Dr. Campbell found that most people act as though they were doing perfectly, when in reality they were putting things off. In his program, he gives tips and tricks for breaking this psychological pattern. Some of the tips include setting aside time each day to tackle your tasks, being sure you have enough energy, knowing that putting things off will not help, and creating a timetable.

Another way to get started putting things off is to distract yourself. Do things that you enjoy, get up, stretch, drink a beverage, etc. When you are doing something you like, you will have more energy and be able to stay on task. In the book, Dr. Campbell gives advice on how to make procrastination less effective by having healthy emotions. It is important to have positive emotions because negative emotions will block your efforts to get started.

He gave an example of a couple who got divorced. Their first meeting was very exciting, but soon after that the woman said, "We should take a chance and see if we can get back together." That couple had procrastinated for years while putting off their dreams. After their divorce, they started focusing on what they wanted to do instead of what they didn't want to do.

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