There it was again

in life •  7 years ago 

Doubt. Negative self-talk.

What qualified me to write comedy.

The only experience I had up to this point was screaming into my phone. Recording 10-second comedy bits on Snapchat.

Or at least I thought they were funny.

Being loud, obnoxious and roasting myself while telling some kind of story. Something that happened. Something I thought about.

Before setting out on this adventure, the adventure of building a YouTube channel around comedy sketches, I had already questioned the longevity of my project.

Would throwing insults around, screaming and making fun of myself be a combination that could produce long-term results. Or how long would it take to bore my audience? People that might not know me in real life. And think I'd always be this idiot.

After debating all of this my courage to even start was obviously at an all-time low.

Yet, here I sit writing my first comedy script.

It's gonna be filmed and put out tomorrow.

At the beginning of this post, I was doubting whether it would happen or not. But by writing about it, fear and doubt vanished. Not completely and probably not forever but this small time high is enough to get started.

Which is all that matters right now.

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Thanks for sharing my hero ♥@ikigai

That’s what steemit is all about, you can get your emotions out, you can laugh, you can do anything.

Guess the hardest thing to do is to start, good luck:)

Haha, well I think you shouldn't worry. It's always scary to try something new but worrying doesn't help :D I think you'll do great!

Go for it. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Let me give you an advice about filming for youtube as a super master who knows everything in the world and no one should dare to question it.

Make a script, memorise everything you've prepared.
Then forget it and just be yourself. When you feel like you need to be funny - be serious, when you need to be serious - be funny.
The best youtubers that I watch are the most entertaining when they just be themselves not because of the script, my padawan!

Okay, master is out, mic dropped, you're welcome!

Waiting for the vid, man.
I wonder how will it look like if you completely overdo the comedy. Like everything will be an attempt for a joke. And then you go completely crazy and smash the freaking frying pan in the wall!

Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.
Just do it!

this was the best post hehe loved it :D

interesting post @ikigai keep writing and sharing