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Hi....Well I have the same taste of music. I am in habit of listening to the slow songs. I like Passenger because of his lyrics. I can't listen to a song which doesn't touch a deep string. john Mayer, passenger,The Beatles, cold play do this better.
What are your choices?

Lately I've been going toward Jason Mraz, Shimshai, Deva Premal, and some instrumental stuff that also includes brainwave entrainment rhythms designed to create specific mental/emotional states. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson has some good ones.

I also will occasionally put on African music, which tends to be pretty upbeat and rhythmic. Salif Keita, Samite, Tinariwen, Oumou Sangare all make either beautiful or danceable music. I don't know what the words are, so who knows if the subjects are, but that's the beauty of non-English speaking music.

Some excellent points! And what's interesting is that it is often people who seem the most forgiving of other people who have the hardest time forgiving themselves.

Bright Blessings!

Very true. I wonder though if they are really forgiving those others though, or just submitting. If a person is critical of themselves, they may feel they are unworthy of defense. So then when they are wronged they may act like they forgive the other, but really they just don't have it in them to care enough about themselves to even take offense. Or at least they hide it if they do.

I think forgiveness goes hand in hand with self love. If you truly love yourself, you have less chance to say these horrible things to yourself or do cruel things to yourself. And if you still do this, then self love is needed to forgive yourself.

Yes, this is very much a chicken/egg question to me. They definitely go hand in hand, but which one empowers the other first?

I love myself, therefore I can forgive my imperfections. Or, I forgive my imperfections, therefore I can love myself.

Nicely said. For me loving myself turned out a good base for the rest. :-)

I've never been one to suffer from negative self talk, but I do find myself wrongly justifying my imperfections at times. For example procrastination. I will tell myself that I work better under pressure (this is most likely true), but I then ignore any other negative effects that stem from the procrastinating.

Exercise is another big one for me. I litearlly have my degree in Exercise Science, work as a Sports Performance coach, and yet I still struggle with staying on a routine because its easy for me to justify using my energy in other areas I deem more important.

I think approaching both examples with the mindset that I can do better as long as I allow myself to do so will go a long way.

I think that showing yourself kindness and compassion in any way you find to do so is going to make a big difference over time. Because what you're describing is a form of self-sabotage. You know what's beneficial to you, you know how to do it, I suspect you even have the ability to create the opportunity to consistently do it. But you don't do it.

You deserve to have the life that comes as a result of consistently doing all the things that are best for you. You deserve to live at a default setting of "I take good care of me."

This is the truth about what you deserve. Examine what must be there stopping you from living this truth. Greet whatever comes with a light and open heart, and absolute faith in your ability to create yourself however you choose to once the commitment is there.

A wow write up from my friend as usual and you just confirmed the article running in my mind since sunday but being busy with school work and the @steemminna project and it's titled Forgive your past and save the future

Forgiving oneself at times is not easy especially when one made terrible mistakes out of carelessness or maybe neglect of the future consequences of one's action. But then one has to try to forgive him or herself else the future will be hunted and hurt by the past.

I said something yesterday on my whatsapp status

I stopped complaining of my past failures when I discovered that complaining made my life complicated and then i am focusing on solutions to make the future better

Whenever we keep complaining of our past, there will be no room to forgive our past which in turn will not provide any solutions to the past mistakes. Forgiveness is a key necessary for our past to be healed and for the future to be better.

My pasts were my teachers and not my life partners

Thank you so much for this piece.

Very quotable. Thanks for sharing your take on self-forgiveness.

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A visit would be very appreciated by me. The post

Thank you ma and sorry for doing this.

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Great writing @indigoocean, you always have wise words to share with your readers :).

because there are lots of positive pop songs out there, plus purely instrumental music and spiritual music

Agree with this, music can be of great help to improve our mood and get ourselves proactive so we can finish the tasks we have at hand.

I recently started to listening to a j pop group called perfume, and even though they are from Japan and I don't understand a single word from their songs, I really like to listen to them because they always are very energetic, every single time.

In the end, if we are incapable of forgiving ourselves, it will be impossible to find peace. The smart thing is to realize perfection right now is not possible for us, so why bother ourselves for having some shortcomings?

Better to focus on the things we are good at.

I'm going to have to give Perfume a listen. I've never listened to any japanese pop before, except maybe Pink Lady way back in my childhood, if that counts.

Yes, peace will never be ours if we have to be perfect before we think we deserve it! Thanks for stopping by. Always nice to hear from you.

The song that got me hooked was this one:

Although that is not their most famous song.

You got a 31.67% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @indigoocean!

When we do not charge at all, we have no need of forgiveness. This also means, that true love thinks above forgiving one another and also forgiving oneself. Charity is the pure wisdom that comes by the Grace of God. When we receive it unconditionally, we do not need forgiveness at all. We are not living in a biased world to forgive 'one another'. The term, one another sounds biased and forgiveness sounds still an evil deed as to first blame and then forgive.

What happens when we do not charge the person at all? What happens when we do not blame ourself for anything that happens. We are actually living an unbiased life in the Freedom of God where we do not need to limit ourself in 'charging others and then forgiving". Life without charging at all is the true and unconditional life.

Not seeing the wrongdoings in anyone and oneself is Charity and Charity never fails. Such a love does not need forgiveness either. It is perfect love of God that does not need forgiveness. We can have this perfect love by having God's pure wisdom within us.


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