RE: Christianity, The Crazy Sun-Worshipping Cult That Took Over The World

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Christianity, The Crazy Sun-Worshipping Cult That Took Over The World

in life •  9 years ago 

I agree that the Roman Empire corrupted the original message if Jesus.

This same process is also unfolding by Saudi rulers and ISIS with Islam.

However, I only had good experiences in following the message of Jesus written the Gospel.

He is an historical figure documented by Roman historians and therefore he existed historically as well as julius Caesar or cleopatra.

You may or may not believe that Jesus is the son of God or that it was not born on 25th December, but if you will open one of the four gospels you will find pearls of wisdom that could help you live a better and happier life.

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You're absolutely right. I do believe Jesus existed. Similar to Siddhartha Gautama, he got turned into a god though. And I don't think it was something they were aiming for!

I think God is the force that created us out of the Big Bang and not an old man with a beard.
I also think that the best way to get in sync with that force is to love.
And this is what religion is all about.

I agree to some degree. I was involved in the christian cult before I was set free... The stories we hear about Jerusalem and such places, all happened in Africa many years ago. Persians (fake jews and the like) now control much of how people think in terms of history. Internett will help change how we perceive much of what we have been taught... Bless you