Mothers, generally, mine and yours included, are good at a plethora of things from cooking our favorite food to giving us health tips and never asking you back that money they’ve landed months ago.
However, in this post we are going to focus on one particular feature that distinguish mothers and that probably stems from their natural maternal instinct blended with an unbeatable woman intuition: their ability to play the detective role. Why am I saying that mother have natural skills for this job (at least when the investigation concerns their children)? Here are 10 reasons why.
1 Mothers no when you’re lying, and they don’t even need to ask embarrassing or delicate questions to know it. They simply smell lie.
2 Mothers have a keen eye for detail. You’ve gained 200 g since she last saw you? She won’t fail in noticing it. Your shirt is folded? She’ll offer to iron it.
3 Mother don’t need to know what you’ve did or didn’t do to understand when you are not feeling well. Most of the times, they’ll also have a good understanding of the reason that lies behind your moody attitude. Whether it was your colleague, boos or partner at blame, your mother will have the right curse ready to cast on the culprit and the right consolation for you.
4 Mothers know how to investigate their children’s private life without leaving traces. All those friends, relatives and neighbors who snitch on you for your own sake, you will never find out who they were, but don’t worry, your mother will count on them as reliable sources.
5 Have you done something bad and now you’re trying to cover it up, hopping that nobody will notice it? Hope no more, your mother already knows. She knows everything, including what you did last summer 😊. The moment you call her or face her, she’ll smell the scent of guilt on you.
6 Mothers are reliable investigators. When you ask them to pursue a goal in your name, they never give up until their mission is completed. You wanted that new set of shelves that was on sale, but is no out of stock? Don’t worry, she’ll find a way to provide it to you.
7 Connecting the dots is not difficult for your mother. Why? Because she’s patient, careful, she understands things in detail and she remembers everything she saw or heard. If something concerns her beloved offspring she will undoubtedly put all the pieces of information together so that she can reach a valuable and applicable conclusion. Next time she tells you that you’d better stop seeing that weird guy/girl you’ve been dating lately, just listen to her. She might have a point.
8 Who is more resourceful than your mother in dealing with practical issues? No matter what obstacle you’re trying to overcome, she’ll definitely have a reliable contact to help you out. You need a new job? She’ll recommend you to all her friends and acquaintances who have a business. Recently broke up with your partner? This is her favorite chapter. She’s got plenty friends whose children are in similar situations.
9 Mothers are cunning. Sometimes this is what you need to get where you want to. Whether they emotionally have to blackmail you or others, they most commonly get what they want. Just like a good detective, they know the power of leverage.
10 Las but not the least, mothers are fats thinkers. Be it a practical or an emotional issue, they will act in an instant and, most probably, manage to solve the problem or mitigate the effects. Have you spilled soup on your new white blouse? She’ll clean I in 5 minutes and make sure it leaves no spots. Have you fought with an old friend? She will verbally tear this person apart with 3 sentences making you realize you’re not at fault and you’ve got nothing to lose if you’ll stop seeing this person.
Mothers are incredible. Not only because they bring us into this world and take care of us when we need it most. They have an extraordinary intuition and perseverance. And if this doesn’t make a good detective, then what does?
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