Subliminal messages:

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

  Dear Steemit friends:

 Have you ever heard about subliminal messages?

 Subliminal messages are messages designed to pass unnoticed or inaudible to the conscious mind but audible to the unconscious. The unconscious mind hears the message and works accordingly. They are often used in movies and ads, for example when you’re watching some food ads you start craving it and eventually go buy it, the message was transmitted unnoticed to your unconscious mind telling you “Buy me!”, that is subliminal advertising. Whenever you watch TV you might experience those subliminal messages without you noticing it.

Those subliminal messages can also be used in a positive way, such as healing the body, mind, and soul. In my humble experience, I have used subliminal messages and I’m still using them to relieve pain; Surprisingly they worked for me better than medicine; and for healing and straightening my teeth etc.. I would like to recommend using these subliminal messages to anyone. The only thing you need to do is to believe that it will work.

 I hope this was helpful. 안녕.  

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