Jumping In Feet First To Get What You Want.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

In 2016 we were thinking of moving to a bigger property and being self sufficient, but as of now, I have personally lost hope of getting there and feel powerless to change that. It was something that we all wanted as we would have the feeling of being free. As time went by, however, we seemed to forget about that end goal as we can’t do it smoothly and have a risk of losing it all. I find it a bit like pier diving.


At the moment we’re standing on the pier, we have the option of jumping in feet first, walking back onto the beach (going back to where we started) or standing there in the hope something might change; maybe the water will come up and we can just lower ourselves in. There is that risk of something going wrong with getting in and finding nothing has changed. There's always the alternative of swimming out and getting back on that pier, but it takes a bit of effort. There’s always a chance of injury or knocking yourself out and getting stuck, but you can have someone backing you up like we have my grandparents that can always help us out the water until we can recover. If you never take that jump though you don’t really have anywhere else to go, and may start feeling hopeless in that situation. You also may lose the opportunity (go into debt) and never have the chance as the pier has worn down. You also don’t want to jump in when the water is to low; it is possible, but it increases the risk. You can also stand there saying that you will jump in and go in, but it will change nothing unless you do.

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Love a good jetty jump :)
Great analogy.

Thank you.

Pretty sure, with the passion you guys have, you can make wonderful things happen. I share the frustration of wanting space and having to settle for living in town with neighbours and stuff. Don't lose hope.

Thank you. :)

Pretty and thought provoking too. Don’t know if I could leave such a nice waterfront. 🐓🐓

Self sufficiency generally needs to be done on a community level anyway, if you all put in the work on a larger property you'd be spending a bit of time to lower your grocery bills :) My partner had a similar dream at one stage but like with your family I'm not sure if we're ever going to get there.

Nice analogy with the pier jumping :D Reminds me of home.


Well written @izzydawn, all is not lost, anything can happen in the future!

Thank you, Hopefully something will change, not going to get my hopes up though.