Source : no idea...greetings through what's apps from friends.
Went through my what's apps photo and found this saying.
How very true. We always let trival things weigh us down. If we can just be able to let go, our life would be much happier, lighter and brighter and we can soar like this eagle.
Of course that's easier said than done. BUT not impossible.
At different stages of our life, our priorities change and certain things that seems important might not be important and that's when we can let go.
Your perspective in life change when one met with changes around you. A new born baby, new found riches, new friends, proverty strikes, death in a family or friends, discovery of an illness, new found happiness, and when a miracle/s happen. All these can influence ones perspectives in life going forward. That's when you recognise and understand that things you perceive as important might not be important now.
So what are these things. Mainly wealth, fame, status, ego and the importance of oneself.
I believe aging and maturing is another factor.
So how do we know if we are old.....see the next photo.
Source : through what's apps from friends.
Forgive and forget, life is too short to stay angry, to compare, to complaint and to take revenge.
Be HAPPY and SMILE and the rest of the world will follow.
Have a wonderful and great weekend. Take Care and God Bless.
Thanks for reading and support.