On the Road to Recovery

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

That was one of the worst bouts of gastroenteritis ("stomach flu") I have ever had. The worst was over in 24 hours, although the occasional Nurgling still seems to rear its ugly head even now.

[TooMuchInformation] I think I'm done with the #occupytoilet movement though. Seriously, I feel literally and figuratively drained. [/TooMuchInformation]

I've finally had some real food though, the feverish hallucinations are gone, and I'm no longer feeling as wracked with aches and pains as I was following a car accident. I'm feeling just well enough to be restless, but not well enough to do anything about it, like taking a walk. I think I'll be able to go to work tomorrow without collapsing or infecting the entire library.

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Oh, stomach flu, or rotavirus is a real scourge of our time. It's good that it only lasts a day.

Ouch, hope you continue to improve at a rate of knots!

"At a rate of knots"

I haven't heard that expression before.

Really? It's smashing!!

Apparently it's a UK/Australia idiom. I assume it's nautical in origin?

Oh yes, at great speed essentially I believe!

@jacobtothe - Sire, I hate 'gastroenteritis'. It's gives me a huge pain Sire. Very useful article Sire. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem it Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Please don't call me "sire." I am uncomfortable with such formal titles and forms of address, and am not a ruler over others.

Glad to know that your health is improving... Mine has been moving at a very slow pace... I still can't go to work... xD Anyway, take care of yourself! ^^